(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What about hunting? What about fishing? Ooh, we in Texas, Texas. One thing I've noticed that people like to hunt here, it's a big deal, right? I heard some hunting stuff all the way down from San Antonio and I liked, I was interested. Like I didn't realize that there's people that just hunted for trophies. Like people will like rent big fields or whatever, they have ranches where they spend thousands and thousands of dollars to raise up these big bucks, right? With these big racks and they're the ones paying for it, right? It's not like they're, you know, like they just came across it in the woods someplace. It's like they're raising them, spending thousands of dollars feeding whole herds of them so that they can walk, you know, put a feeder thing out and walk up on it and shoot it and then they kill it and they put the head on their wall like, look at that buck. It's like, that doesn't even seem fair. I don't know, maybe I'm weird. But you know, if you're spending that much time doing that, how much time do you think they're spending with God? How much time do you think they're spending, you know, earning trophies in heaven? You know, how many churches in this city are going soul winning like this church is? You know, and if they are, they're probably passing out invitations or sticking them on people's doors and running, you know. They almost saw me. You know, I'm talking about confrontational evangelism. I'm talking about confrontationally walking and saying, are you 100% sure if you died today, you'd go to heaven? Well, would you like to know? Because we can show you from the Bible, it's going to take about five or 10 minutes. More like 10 minutes, but don't say five minutes. It's never five minutes, but 10 minutes, okay? You know, those are the things, those are the trophies we should be hunting for. I want a trophy family of five to get saved today, amen? I want to, you know, yesterday we had, what did we have, 44 saved? 43 saved yesterday? Man, I had a great time out soul winning with Pastor Shelley and Brother Scott, and we got to see some people get saved yesterday. It's exciting. This place is receptive. The South is receptive. It's not like back home. You know, we'll have 50, we have 50 people going out on Sunday mornings, and we had 11 saved last Sunday morning, and we were only out for like, I don't know, a couple hours or something. That's a good day for us. And we get that, but we don't always get that. Sometimes it's three, you know? But we're, you know, we're doing well with soul winning up there, but it's not receptive like it is here because it's unchurched.