(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know sometimes your little golden calf is gonna get ripped up, and you better just be able to deal with it sometimes You know you know the golden calf of women is usually pants It really is and I know we've talked about that a lot lately and some people have their Pants dipped in gold and you know hiding in a closet somewhere. You know what I mean? They're like they go back, and they're like oh my precious little pants. I can't wait to wear you again look Put those things in the garbage Don't cleave to those golden calf pants that you have hidden away in a drawer somewhere Get rid of them stamp them in a powder and throw them in the Brook key drum all right But yeah drink it have your husband drink it now just kidding But some point you're gonna get your sins are gonna get ripped on and You know I there's just things that you need to get ripped on about But I'm not specifically like going who can I get this week the sins of Tony you know the seven sins of Joe I'm not I'm not looking to try to just call people out and rip on people specifically It's just the Holy Ghost rips on you through the scriptures Okay, and when someone gets up and preaches the Word of God sometimes it's gonna step on your toes and well and how you deal with that is Is how you you know how do you prove all things well God's words gonna help you to prove all things It's gonna get down to the details It's gonna get down to the microscopic things the Bible says that the Word of God is is a discerner and thoughts it of the Intense of the heart so sometimes that it's not it's not me. It's preaching. It's the Bible. That's going ah It's getting to the heart of the matter and saying hey, I'm screwing up in this area. I'm messing up I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be I need to fix this But then if you walk away and don't fix it you're despising prophesying You're despising the preaching of the Word of God or maybe it's just something that's your pet sin And you're like well, that's not as bad as people think it is it's not that bad I think about Shawn sermon about preaching against video games and people were kind of Rough on their feathers a little bit about some of it. I me included no He was ripping on Tetris. I was just playing Tetris that week. It was It's like the Holy Ghost was like Tetris And I was like I have my knife I was like Look sometimes your sins are gonna get ripped on and I'm not saying I was sinning by playing Tetris, okay? But I'll tell you what I agreed with Shawn sermon, and I stand behind him a hundred percent I think that video games are wicked But I mean I don't think that if you play whenever once in a while you're going to hell or whatever okay? I'm not saying that But what I'm saying is what he was saying made sense if you're spending more time on your video games And you are everything else then you you have an imbalance in your life You're not holding fast to that which is good. You're cleaving to something. That's not good