(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I believe that the King James is where God's preserved his word for our, for the English speaking people. Now a lot of people in the world speak English. The King James is, you know, it's the top selling book of all time. It's the most printed book of all time. And I would say this, it's the greatest book of all time. So as far as like English speaking people, it's the word of God. And so where other versions will deviate from the text, there are texts, so there's the issue of the text. So you got the Texas Receptus, which basically means the received text. The text that was used down from the ages, you know, when it was first written down in Greek and Hebrew, those are preserved in the Texas Receptus, okay? And so if you don't understand all that, well, I mean, you can watch the film, New World Over Bible Versions, it really nails it down for you. But I would say this, there's a textual problem. There's a textual issue between the modern versions and like the King James. So the textual problem is that they spliced a bunch of, you know, they found old copies of Bibles in like a trash bin. Where else? They found them in the basement of the Vatican, you know, the Roman Catholic whore of Babylon. So, you know, can we trust things like that? Is the word of God preserved in some ancient text that's found in a pottery vessel in the Middle East or something, but we just didn't have the right word of God until somebody uncovered that or somebody rescued it out of a trash can at the Mount Sinai monastery or someone just happened to find the true word of God in the Vatican in a basement someplace? I don't believe that. I believe that God's been allowing us to use his words from this generation and forever. So I believe that there's always been an inspired word of God. Even if there was only just one copy, God still kept one copy available for people to use. You think about Josiah. They found the word of God when they were renovating the temple there. And Josiah, I don't know if that was the only version or the only Bible left in the world at that time. I doubt that, but I know that the people in Judah were not using it. They weren't using, they found that word, they found the word of the Lord there in the temple. And when Josiah heard it, he made a lot of changes because the word of God's very powerful. The Bible is powerful and you can tell the difference between a powerful version of the Bible like the King James and some modern perversion where it changes things. So what's a good example of one that says he has shown the oh human one in some other version so that they can make sure that it's, instead of saying man, he has showed the oh man. Well, you know, in the modern version it says he has showed the oh human one. I mean, that sounds like a robot is teaching you or something. So the word of God is powerful. I mean, we have to take it by faith. You know, we have to take the Bible by faith that it is the word of God. You know, obviously people say, well, you use circular reasoning and saying that in the Bible it says it's preserved. But you know, the fact that it is preserved and one of the most readily available copies of the word of God. You know, there's thousands of different copies of the word of God. You know, and it's an ancient book. So in like Greece, we only have like I think a couple copies of Homer's Odyssey. There's just not a lot of ancient books that are available for you to read. But you know what, the Bible stands the test of time.