(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Anyway, let's look at verse number 10 tonight in Mark chapter 7. It says for Moses said so this is Jesus is still explained to these guys Moses said you know, it's not funny. He goes right to the Bible Moses said Hey instead of following your own traditions Why don't you listen to what Moses said the guy that you claim that you love so much Moses said honor thy father and thy mother and who so cursed father or mother let him die the death So yeah, did Jesus teach that the children that curse Their father and mother should be put to death. Absolutely. He backed it up right here, didn't he? You know, so kids you should obey your parents You should honor your parents because the Bible says that you know If you curse your parents or you smite your parents you hit your parents That in God's eyes is a death penalty situation So kids you better take it very seriously because God does take it very seriously and Jesus right here saying hey If you curse your father or mother, you should be dead So be afraid of that. I want you to be afraid of that because that's the Word of God and It's not about my tradition Okay, so Mark chapter 7 verse 11 says but you say if a man shall say to his father or mother it is Corbin That is to say a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by he shall be free So basically what he's saying is that someone could curse their father or mother but then they come and give them a gift and That then they would they would be he would be free from from what he was supposed to the punishment He was supposed to get or maybe he's not they don't want to take care of their parents in their old age So they go, you know what? Here's a gift. I know I'm supposed to honor my father and mother I'm supposed to let them I'm supposed to requite my parents and let them stay with me or take care of them they're like, you know what, here's a gift Pharisees and You know, don't worry about what I'm doing with my parents. They're like, okay, no problem You know, that's a tradition of men. That's a commandment of men It says and you suffer him no more to do ought for his father or mother Making the Word of God of none effect through whose tradition your tradition not through God's tradition Not through God's commandments. He's saying hey, you know what you can come to me with your little hand washing garbage But hey You know what you're doing is you're trying to let people get out of taking care of their parents respecting their parents Obeying their parents and you know, basically saying it's okay to curse your parents as long as you give a gift That's what the tradition of men is And he's saying it's making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition It's basically just you know, and he said hey Moses said this here's what you're doing And he cut them to the quick But you know, obviously a lot of those guys are reprobate so they don't really care what he has to say But it says which you so look at verse 13 against is making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition Which you have delivered and many such like things you do so that wasn't the only thing he was just bringing an example a really Grievous example. So not only are they teaching that people are wicked and defiled if they don't wash their hands before they eat But they're also teaching that it's okay to not respect your parents not take care of your parents not have you know That it's okay to curse your parents as long as you bring a gift to the altar then you're all good That's not what the Bible teaches my friend and that's what Jesus told him. He said Moses said something different So you need to pay attention what Moses is saying