(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here in 2 Samuel chapter 1 verse 17 the Bible says that David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son. Now what happened is that Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle. So now look at verse 18 it says also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow behold is written in the book of Jasher the beauty of Israel is slain upon the high places how are the mighty fallen and pastor Romero was a mighty man of God was he not and what a black eye it is for the mighty to fall King Saul you know the glory he was he was an anointed man of God and if you look and take this spiritually you can apply this to to men of God that fall great men of God because there's saved pastors that fall there's saved pastors that fall and and look it's it's a big black eye for the movement for Christ it's a big black eye for the church it's a and it's it's something that our enemies can mock and make fun of look at verse look at verse yeah 19 says the beauty of Israel slayed upon the high places how are the mighty fallen tell it not in Gath publish it not in the streets of Ashkelon lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph I'll tell you what tonight the Evans and Bill McGregor's and all these probably Tyler Baker who knows I haven't been watching any of the videos but I know people are coming out hard against what happened you know the people of Ashkelon are rejoicing over what's happened the daughters of the Philistines the people of the Philistines are rejoicing these uncircumcised heathen these these heathen that hate our guts are rejoicing over what happened and they got a victory there's a bit that's a big spiritual defeat for us it's a big spiritual defeat for steadfast Baptist Church but all they can do is just move forward with a new leader the Bible says in let's see verse 21 he mountains of Gilboa let there be no do neither let there be rain upon you nor fields or of offerings for there the shield of the mighty is violently cast away the shield of Saul as though he had not been anointed with oil from the blood of the slain from the fat of the mighty the bow of Jonathan turned not back and the sword of Saul returned not empty Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided they were swifter than eagles they were stronger than lions he daughters of Israel weep over Saul who clothed you in scarlet with other delights who put on ornaments of gold upon your peril how might how are the mighty fallen in the midst of battle and in the mighty are falling in the midst of battle tonight last night the mighty fell in the midst of battle we should weep over that we should be upset about that but we should also strengthen ourselves and put on the full armor of God because look there's more coming there's more warfare coming look the Christian life isn't easy and when when the mighty fall in battle it's a sad day what was he not a great instrument of war for our movement and he's fallen this is I'm distressed for thee my brother Jonathan very pleasant has thou been unto me thy love to me was wonderful passing love of women how are the mighty fallen and the weapons of war perished see he was a great weapon of war perished you know and David was there to take his place and I pray that there's another David to take his pastor you know Donny Romero's place I can't even call him pastor Romero anymore so sickening to me