(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hell is a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death for all eternity Okay, there's no question about that. So it says it said because that will not leave my soul in hell Now some people say well, I'm just talking about you know, the good hell Yeah, the Abraham's bosom the other chamber of whatever Look, that's a false doctrine. It's wicked as hell I don't understand why people can't just say I believe the Bible is true these 1611 King James only so you know, they it's so-called, right? They say they are but they don't really believe it because they have to go back to the Greek and try to figure out what? Is how mean in this verse because Jesus didn't go to hell. Yeah, I did say he went to hell. I Said he wouldn't leave his soul there. So what are you talking about? That makes no sense Well in the Greek, it means hate shut up with that garbage I don't care what your commentary says. I don't care what your little study Bible says I don't care what you're going back to the geek Bible professor says the Bible says hell