(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And look you know we use extreme things like I say well What if you killed yourself would you still have eternal life and most people will say? No You know but once I know that's like the the big one right for me That's the big one I use because if they if they believe that you could still care that you could kill yourself And you'd still have everlasting life Then I know that they understand it because yeah, that's usually the big one that the Roman Catholic Church is has indoctrinated people with well You know it's it's either blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, or they'll say that one right there That if you killed yourself you'd still go to hell So but we don't believe that here look at verse 16 It says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish You won't perish. You'll never perish, but have Everlasting life and so Jesus is using these terms interchangeably eternal life everlasting life. They mean the same thing So verse 17 says for God sent not the Son into the world to condemn the world But that the world through him might be saved What does it mean to be saved? It's not wondering whether you have eternal life from day to day Being saved is a confident thing that you should know that yeah I'm saved because I believed in Jesus, and I have eternal life. I'm never gonna lose it That's being saved says in verse 18 he that believeth on him is not condemned But that he but he that believeth is not is condemned already You got condemned or not condemned, and you got condemned already Everybody in this world that doesn't believe on the Son of God for salvation is what they're condemned already They're already done that so the judgments already been passed against them. They're just living Like you know any time they can fall off the edge, and it's over for them How close of people have you become have you has anybody had like near-death experiences were like something happened like wow I would have I would have died right there, okay? I know brother Matt has like five or six of those he had five hands or fingers raised up, okay? Yeah, I mean a lot of people have I've had near-death experiences, and there was times when I wasn't even saved You know I mean you think about the things that you've gone through I mean if you actually just kind of Chronologically go through your life and go yeah I remember that time when you know I got shot at point-blank from here to probably where CJ Is out the back of a truck one time? These guys were just shooting at me for no reason and I could feel the bullets whizzing past me and I they didn't hit me one time. They were just really to the baby. I think they're holding a gun like this or something What's going on there? I don't know how they missed me God's Providence probably. I don't know But you know that's a near-death experience But people are living their life in this world, and they don't know for sure that they're going to heaven and then they You know have a soul winner come to the door. No. I don't know. I'm not interested That just blows me away