(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Also in the book of Maccabees it says was not Abraham found faithful when tested and it was reckoned to him as righteousness first Maccabees 252 so Maccabees is another book see these were written a lot of these were written in between when the prophets were silent Okay, Malachi after Malachi was written there was 400 years of silence So the Catholics will take the books that were in between and try to say that those were scripture So and then it says all giving will cover all of your sins, well, I guess we don't need Jesus then, huh? That's basically that's basically what they're saying, right? So also the non biblical doctrine of purgatory is taught in the Apocrypha Okay, you're not gonna find it anywhere in the Old Testament. You're gonna find it anywhere in the New Testament You know why people believe Abraham's bosom why they believe? Purgatory because it's in the Apocrypha and so I'm going to read you a few a few things from second Maccabees 12 So it says so they all blessed the ways of the Lord the righteous judge who reveals the things that are hidden and they turned To supplication praying that the sin that they had been commit that they had Been committed might be wholly blotted out the noble Judas Exhorted the people to keep themselves free from sin For they had seen with their own eyes what had happened the result of the sin of those who had fallen He also took up a collection man by man to the amount of 2,000 drachmas of silver And sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering and doing this He acted very well and honorably taking account of the resurrection For if he were not Expecting that those who had fallen would rise again. It would have profit. It would have been superfluous and Foolish to pray for the dead But if he was looking to the splendid reward that was laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness It was a holy and pious thought therefore he made atonement for the dead so that they might be delivered From their sin, what is that teaching? It's teaching that you can pray for the dead and get him out of purgatory That's where the Catholics get it from second Maccabees 12 41 through 45 so stinkin lie The Bible says it's the point of the man wants to die and after this the judgment there is no purgatory You either wake up in your in your in your in heaven or you wake up in your in hell Two places you can go that's it so second Maccabees doesn't make the cut for scripture