(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look back at Galatians 5, verse 21, it says, Envenes, or verse 21, Envenes, murderers, drunkenness, revelings, and such the like, of the which I tell you before, as I have told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. And so they're not going to inherit the kingdom of God. These people that do these things. So what is the problem with Houston? What's the problem with this world? It's a sin problem. And what's going to end up happening? Because they're going to split hell wide open if we don't reach them. That's a big problem. You know, we're supposed to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, with all of our soul, with all of our strength, aren't we? And to love our neighbor as ourselves? Well, and there's a church right here that is loving their neighbor as themselves. But we need more soldiers. We need more people to rise up. Because people are going to hell. They're not going to inherit the kingdom of God. Because of the wickedness that they're doing. Because they're given over to idolatry. Because they're given over to drunkenness. Because they're given to revelings and murders. And that's the problem. Houston is number four on the U.S. Crime Index. Number four. One hundred is the safest. If that tells you anything. One hundred is the safest. So number four, usually if you're ranked number four, it's like, hey, that's a pretty good ranking. This is a bad ranking. This is a bad one. So it's safer than four percent of U.S. cities. It's safer than four percent. Probably Chicago, Los Angeles. I don't know what the other cities are. I didn't look at that. But I just looked at the Crime Index for Houston. That's pretty bad. So there is a problem. Houston, there is a problem. There's 20,000 documented gang members in Houston. 20,000. And approximately 300 in MS-13. So MS-13 is a big thing here, right? During September, let's see. So there's also gangs such as the Crips, the Bloods. I didn't know the Crips and Bloods were down here. There's the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. And there's also a gang called Tongo Blast. Has anybody ever heard of Tongo Blast? It's estimated to have 25,000 members in Texas. It's a huge gang. And a lot of them are in prison, right? Where they, you know, doing crimes in prison. But the thing is, there's a big problem with crime and violence and things like that. And a lot of it's because of the gangs. And you know what? If we reach those kids before they turn to these gangs, that's going to make a difference in this city. It's going to make a big difference in this city. And these people are not going to heaven. We've got to get to them. We've got to get to their doors. That means we've got to get more people here into this church. You've got to get sold out. You've got to get all in. And you've got to get ready to face what we're facing coming next in Christianity. You know, we're getting closer to the end, not closer to the beginning. We're getting closer and further away from great doctrine and great truth. But we've got to dig in. We've got to find more people like ourselves that are willing to get into the battle, that are willing to get into the fight, that are willing to go and knock these doors in Houston. 6.5 million people in this area. There's 50 people in this church. Those numbers, I preached about this in San Antonio the other night, the two can chase 10,000. And so this little church right here, this little tiny church, we can make a big difference here. We can make a big difference in Vancouver, Washington. We can make a big difference in Sacramento, California, and in Phoenix, Arizona, and in West Virginia. All over these places, there's more churches springing up. I'm starting a church next month in Spokane, Washington. Anybody ever heard of Spokane, Washington? All right. It's the second biggest city in Washington. I'm not ready to go to Seattle. Yeah, just too many weirdos there. But if we get a good core group of people that are ready to start a church, I'll start a church in the Seattle area, probably not in downtown Seattle, not in Capitol Hill where all the queers are. But I'll start a church up there. We have a great need. And God, we have to have faith. We have to have faith that we're going to make a difference. And we got to get out there and do it. So these people are heading to hell, and we need to help them. We need to help them find heaven. This church stands between the dead and the living in this city. And this church could be a great, big church. We need leaders to rise up in this church. We need leaders to rise up in so many. We need leaders to rise up in preaching. And how do we right the ship? How do we fix the problem, Houston? We got to go out and get people saved. We got to reach this city with the gospel.