(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I was watching these baboons and they were walking in a pack and they're all upright right and what are they doing the whole time? They're walking looking Jaguar tiger jaguar tiger anything that's trying to kill them Because isn't it true in this world that animals live in this cycle of death you know human beings live in a cycle of death and The blood that spilt the earth You know wants to vomit that out Didn't he tell the children of Israel when they went to Canaan he said that the the land is gonna vomit them out When someone Abel was murdered the blood cried out from the earth for justice, didn't it? There's something about our creation here that we probably don't really grasp When Jesus came in to Galilee or to Jerusalem and all the people were saying Hosanna Hosanna And then they said master tell your people hold their hold their peace And what do you say to him? Well, so let's look over at Luke chapter 19, I'll show you what it says It's I don't want to misquote it. That's great. It's a great saying here Luke chapter 19 verse 40 That Says and he answered and said unto them I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out So there's an expectation of the creature There's an expectation of the creation that things are gonna be put back The way they used to be and I don't understand the whole thing about the rocks I've never seen a rock with a mouth before they can talk or anything like that But Jesus said if these should hold their peace the rocks would immediately cry out And probably say the same thing That's kind of that's kind of trippy, right? Isn't it true that this even the whole I mean, I'm not like a big Greenpeace person or whatever But I don't think that People should just dump their trash all over the side of the road like we see in that once beautiful city across the river Just big garbage pits everywhere and a bunch of people shooting up weird stuff going on You know, I'm sure the earth gets tired of that the earth gets sick of that and The creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. That's what the Bible says, right?