(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What's the end result? Well, the end result of all the decisions that their leaders have made, all the decisions that what who they decided to believe in, what religion they decided to practice, has led to the point where all that you can get there is the Orthodox Church, which they're not saved. They believe you can lose your salvation, so where does that leave the Russian people? It leaves them in a Russian hellhole is what it leaves them. No hope. No hope. But you know I thank God that we have Russians in this community. The Russian, there's big Russians in this community. I think it's one of the biggest Russian communities in the whole United States. And also in Seattle and Spokane and Sacramento, places that we know well, there's big communities of Russians there too. But turn to Ezekiel chapter 32 verse 18. And see this can happen to any nation on the planet and it has happened to other nations where God just says, you know what, I've given them their full time, I'm done with them. And look I'm not saying that God's done completely with Russia, I'm saying he's done complete with the nation of Russia. At this point he's done. Once they can't get the gospel there, he's done. That just shows that he's done with that country, right? Because God shut, I mean if they shut down the gospel, then why is God gonna have anything to do with them? What was the verse that I read? What's the, what's our first verse that I read that we're supposed to focus on? What was the first verse? Huh? Psalm 9. Yeah. The nations that forget God, right? Then the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. All of them. You forget God, he's gonna forget you. They're gonna be turned into hell. And he's been doing that for thousands of years. Why? Because people just reject the Word of God and that's just how he is. He doesn't have to be how we want him to be, guys. He doesn't. He is who he says he is in this book. People get pissed about that, but you know what? It's the Bible. You can't get mad about what the Bible says.