(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And it says in verse 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God Into an image made like under corruptible man to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things So basically they started making idols, you know people start making idols in their heart and they want to you know Worship their dogs How many people do you see walking dogs around and they just worship these animals. They're like, oh, this is my kid It's not your kid. It's a dog. No, I like my dogs, too Everybody that knows me knows that but do I like my dog more than I like human beings? No No, I don't and I just think that that's because this society today is worshiping animals. They're worshiping dogs They're worshiping their cats. It's weird They've gone to the point you're following someone around a dog around with a little poop bag. You've gotten weird Maybe you live in an apartment you have to do that. I understand that but the thing is is that you know Downtown Portland, there's no place They don't have yards to put their dogs in they keep them in their apartments and they could take them out and they let them Poop all over the sidewalk and they clean them up with a little baggie sometimes But my point is is that Romans 1 lays it out the people that are worship their animals more than they worship God They worship the creature more than the creator who's blessed forever. Amen