(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Even though they were saying we're a Christian nation. We're you know we're this we're that but still these liberals started creep in And then the problem is is that? Spiritism started creeping into the Russian culture too and so at the time when Rasputin became an influence to the crown They were already like doing seances and all kinds of I mean this the family the czar's family was already doing seances and and And all this stuff and their son was a hemophiliac But Rasputin he he grew up in Siberia And he had four kids and a wife and then like but when he was a child They would say he could heal horses by touching them. He was a horse healer apparently and But he's known as the mad monk anybody. I've heard of Rasputin before because it's funny sometimes I'll ask like younger Russians like do you know who Rasputin is no never heard of him I mean he was a pretty influential character in history because you know the mad monk He was basically what he was is. He was a total charlatan, and he was just he was a demon possessed person And if you do any studying about Rasputin he was definitely possessed of the devil I mean he looked like he was possessed of the devil but Supposedly had these healing powers he had these kids and then had a wife and at like 28 years old he started going on this Religious pilgrimage he was already known as a as a thief and a drunkard and he went to Mount Athos which I think pastor Anderson's been talking about that place where that monastery is down in Greece and learned some weird stuff from them apparently got into some kind of secret society and Said it was his destiny to Advise the crown, so I think it was as you know his foreordain. You know his destiny from the devil You know the destiny that the devil put before him to go and influence and destroy Russia That's what I believe but What ended up happening is? You know the the the crown wouldn't let people around the didn't you know if he was a pet He was a peasant basically grew up as a peasant and since he had no formal training I think that's the reason why he went to these different places so he could say well I went to Mount Athos and I went to this pilgrimage and that pilgrimage and so it gave validity to the fact that he was Some kind of monk and when he came People were already saying that he was a healer and he had all these powers and stuff like that And so the crown just brought him in the czar brought him in into his home And then basically he influenced Russia for ten years with his crazy Weird religious practices he was known for being in bathhouses and all kinds of weird stuff and he was would take prostitutes and You know he was a drunkard But the thing the thing that really cemented him in there is that supposedly he healed her hemophiliac son named Lexi I believe and they said that because he had a hemophiliac if someone's once they get cut they can't quit bleeding so Anyway, so supposedly he healed that that kid and then that's what really got him You know and and there's rumors that he was like having relations with the czar's wife and that basically What end up happening is? World War one broke out and basically Rasputin was giving all this advice to her and she was telling him what to do So but the problem is is they'd already like been given over to all the sorcery in the first place You know this Christian country that was supposed to be Christian You know the higher people in the society are basically worshiping the devil because you know what if you what happens if you do a seance You're invoking demons to come and and partake in and teach you things and show you things right