(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The thing about soul winning also is we can also dial in our soul winning better than we did before. So if we're taking too long in our soul winning presentation, you can't take so long that people lose interest. But you can also be so short that people aren't getting it. So there's one extreme to another. We shouldn't be taking an hour to get someone saved when they're already getting the points. If they're getting the points, then move on to the next point. We don't want to lose their interest. We don't want their faggot mother to come in and stop us from soul winning. You know what I'm saying? Like who's had some lesbian come up and just slam the door in your face and she's got green hair? She's like, yeah, you know, you got to, you can't take too much time. You got to get the points out and kids are really easy to get saved. If they're getting the points, move on and let's get them saved. See those cat like reflexes anyway, but you know, we need to make sure that our soul winning is dialed in and that we're proving all things. Prove your soul winning methods. Hey, are you getting a lot of people saved? Well, maybe you need to change something if you're not. Maybe you need to shorten it up. Maybe you need to not make points that you're trying to make that aren't necessary to make. You know what I mean? And maybe you just need to go back to the drawing board and just do it by the book. Do it by the methods that you were taught and don't put a bunch of extra stuff in there. Let's just go point by point. Hey, you're a sinner. Hey, sin is going to bring your death. Death is going to bring hell. Hell is going to bring, you know, not eternal separation from God, eternal torment in the lake of fire. Okay. And then Jesus died for you. He was buried. He rose again the third day. And if you put your faith in him, you'll be saved. You'll have everlasting life. You call upon the name of the Lord. Those are the simplest points that you make in your soul. And sometimes we just need to make it more simple. You know, sometimes we try to get too complicated and we want to have our own gospel presentation, but hey, just get back to the basics of it. Okay. Prove all things. If there's something that's not working in your soul in your presentation, then get rid of it. Hold fast to that which is good and get rid of the garbage that you don't need. Okay.