(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Oh, I want a church so bad in this area and then you just don't come to church? Really? Well then go back to the old IFB, have fun. Have fun worshiping your American flag and your trail of blood flag, the Baptist. Look, we don't worship the Baptist either. I'm a Baptist because I believe the Bible and I'm not gonna put the flag of a nation that murders 3,000 souls a day, little children, that doesn't put and punish the evil doers like the Bible says to do in Romans chapter 13. They just let them rot in prison while we pay for their bunks? I don't think so. And their three hots and a cot and all their medical and their transitions to become a man or a woman, when that's not what they were born as? I'm not, I don't respect that. You know, I respect, I love the people of America. I want the people of America to be saved but do I respect the flag? Am I gonna sit there and say I pledge allegiance to a flag? I pledge allegiance to God.