(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says in verse 22 confirming the soul so this is Paul going back to all the churches and he's confirming the churches are established in the faith and all that Says concern confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith Why would they not continue in the faith? Because of much tribulation what it says and that we must through much Tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Does it say a little bit of tribulation? No says through much Tribulation, why is he encouraging them to continue in the faith? Because it's hard to go through much tribulation And so he's exhorting to continue. He's saying hey, I want to encourage you stay with it. Stay with the faith Yeah, you're gonna get persecuted sometimes sometimes a bunch of hollows are gonna line up and they're gonna wear glitter and you know Have my little ponies or something You know, they're gonna yell things at you and stuff like that. Does that really hurt you though? No You know what that is it's a crown of righteousness, that's what that is John chapter 16 verse number 2 John chapter 16 verse number 2 We should be excited about it actually I'm excited Nothing like a good persecution rally to get us fired up for the soul winning marathon. Amen Isn't it weird all the stuff that's going on right now right before we're about to go on this If I even told you some of the other stuff that's going on the background He wouldn't believe me. Anyway, John chapter 16 verse 2 they Shall put you out of the synagogues. Yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service there's gonna be a time and there's been times in the past where People that kill Christians think that they're doing God a service. Hey, we're doing this for God. We're being zealous Do you think that the people that believe in the one world religion? Do you think they're think that they're gonna be doing something wrong to you? No, they think that they're gonna be doing God a service because there's a God that they believe in that's not the God of the Bible skip down to verse 33 Says these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world. You shall have tribulation You shall have tribulation Isn't that funny how the dispensationalist think and they want to tell you that you're just gonna be you know You're gonna get a little nice pillow and you're just gonna you know Get caught up into the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord No persecution How many verses have I just read to you to say there is gonna be persecution there is gonna be persecution Don't let anybody trick you into thinking that it's not gonna be you know why they hate us Because we remind them of Christ And they hate Christ and so they will persecute us They want to break their bands asunder. They don't want anything to do with God and we remind them of God and we don't want They don't want to have anything to do with us. They want to just kill us But it says in the world you shall have tribulation But be of good cheer be of good cheer. I Have overcome the world Christ has overcome the world for us But he also had to suffer didn't he and so what's it saying? What does this talk about in Romans chapter 8 that if we're heirs we're gonna inherit with with God with Christ We're gonna be joint heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him That we may be also glorified together One day we're gonna be glorified together, and you know what we're not we're not gonna be thinking about the times We're persecuted. We're gonna be thinking about how great it is to be eternally saved in heaven