(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) They're not even allowed in the in the front door if they if someone walks in a man walks in with a dress He's gonna be asked to leave immediately And then yeah, if he's if they refuse to leave they're gonna be thrown out Immediately because why because it's molesting people's eyeballs. Nobody wants to see that and they have tried to do that There's there's a guy that was hanging around this, you know Other place over here and he kept trying to come in holding a cigarette in his hand and just walk it We'll see what's going on here. He's wearing a miniskirt And we as a man with a beard Wearing a miniskirt in our in our church. I said you need to go like right now And you know, this guy has also been thrown out of everything else around here our own owner threw him out of here Because the guy is just as disgusting freak and we don't want any any types of weirdos like that around our children