(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, is it going to be perfect? It's probably not going to be perfect. Guess what? I'm 100% sure it's already not perfect. Okay. But you know what? No one ever said that a human institution like this church is going to be perfect. When you got humans involved, when you got people involved, and obviously Christ is perfect. What Christ did for us is perfect. We're all saved because of His shed blood on the cross and the fact that He raised from the dead. But you know, none of us are perfect. None of us are ever going to be perfect. I know that people that believe in work salvation will sit there at the door and be like, yeah, you just, you got to be a good person. It's like, but you're not a good person. Oh, I know, but you got to be a good person. It's like, no, you're not a good person. Like people think they're good, but they're really not.