(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I think people would look at our church and they'd see our kids do song leading and they'd do certain other things in the church, but so does everybody else. So we're not supposed to be respecters of persons. So I understand the fact that nepotism could creep into churches and you see like these guys just ordain their own kids and they take over the church and they run it into the ground just because it's dad's baby boy or whatever. I'm not like that. But you know what I am like? If my kids can do the best job that they can do and they want to do the things to serve the Lord, why wouldn't I allow them to do that? So it's not right to be over the top nepotistic, but it's also not right to be a respecter of a person and not let them do anything. Somewhere in the middle a lot of times is where the true doctrine lies. Some people are just too far over here, some people are just too far over here, but sometimes you've got to be in the middle of something. Because usually in the middle is where you need to meet. So, but I don't have a problem at all with my kids serving in the ministry or doing some capacity here at the church and if you have a problem with that, no sorry. Josh knows the songs by heart. If you say song number 255, what song is that Josh? He doesn't know. Of course he doesn't know. What's song number 15? Lead me to Calvary. Look, Josh was here with Pastor Jimenez, learned how to song lead with a group of people here and just took it on and tried his best. If someone's the best person for the job, then why wouldn't you let them do that task? Oh, it's because he's your kid. No, it's because he did the best job he could to be the best song leader he could. If Remy wants to preach and he wants to be a pastor someday, then why would I stop him from doing that? Why? Because I just want to make it super hard for him no matter what. Why? Everybody should have the same standing. Everybody should have the same standard. So it doesn't matter who it is. It doesn't matter if it's my kids or not. If they're the best for the job or if they're doing a good job, I'm going to let him preach. I'm going to let, just like I let everybody else preach, why wouldn't I let him preach? I mean, that doesn't make sense. And you saw that the Levites were a family that worked together, right? And they were born into that. That was their reward, was the Lord, right? And so you were kind of born into that nepotenistic thing, but is that wrong? I mean, is God wrong for allowing one family to be the priests of the Lord? I mean, why don't you tell him he's wrong? Is it nepotenistic for him to give an inheritance to his only begotten son, that his name is the name above all names? God the Father, God the Son. God the Son is sitting on the right hand of the throne of God. And is that nepotenistic of God? I mean, he is his son. And he did what he was, so he rose to the occasion that he was supposed to rise to. And there's not a thing in the world wrong with your kids serving the Lord. So I just, I felt like I needed to get that off my chest for some reason, but it's not like anybody's saying, hey, why are you letting your kids do all this stuff? I will let anybody do anything here, you know I will. I'm not a respecter of persons. I'm going to let whoever wants to do things, do things. I'm not going to say, no, you can't do that. You can't song lead. Hey, if you want to song lead, come on up and come talk to me. And I'll allow you to song lead. I'm sure they'd love a break in the rotation.