(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know the coronavirus thing everybody's like, well, it's a man-made thing. It might be but it doesn't mean it's not the judgment of God So the judgment of God, you know people some some atheist was was talking smack He's like everybody on the National Day of Prayer got up and prayed to God that the coronavirus Was gonna be gone and guess what your God didn't answer your prayer I'm like, well, first of all the people that gather for that National Day of Prayer. It's an ecumenical movement God's not okay with that a bunch of Catholics and you know People wear their collars backwards getting together to pray a bunch of heretics and false prophets I'm not saying everybody that is involved in it is but hey, you know what God has three answers It could be wait. It could be yes, and it could be no and God has a reason why he didn't do that So we didn't have we didn't participate in the National Day of Prayer But you know what? I pray that God's will will be done and if God's wills being done and you know We have this pandemic going on then that's what God wants to happen So we just need to be prepared to hunker down and maybe we won't be able to do greater works this year see one thing that the coronavirus and this year has taught me is that sometimes God's plans are different than our plans and Sometimes, you know, and I know God wants people to be saved and we've gotten people saved this year And I know God wants us to start new churches, you know, and I know God wants us to do these things but you know Sometimes there's a dearth in the land and sometimes things don't go according to the way we plan them because God is the one That is ultimately the planner that we got to check our calendars with right?