(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible. So how are you born again by incorruptible seed and you think well what does that mean? It means that it's not been corrupted. It's incorruptible. The true Bible is incorruptible but there are versions that are corrupted. How do we know the difference? Well hopefully by the end of this sermon you'll kind of see that there is a big difference but it says but of incorruptible. We're born again by the incorruptible word, by the word of God which liveth and abideth for how long? What does it say? Forever, right? So it's alive. This book is not just some normal book. It's not just some book written by men. Maybe it was penned down by man but it was not just written by men. And see that's the big difference between people that are saved and people that are unsaved. They can't understand this book and why can't they understand? Because it's spiritually discerned. So it says for all flesh is as grass and the glory of man as the flower of grass, the grass withereth, the flower thereof falleth away but the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. So Peter's sitting here, he's telling us that there's an incorruptible word of God and that incorruptible word of God is what gets people saved, okay? It's not just some bible of the month club where they change all the verses and you know if it's corrupted it says it's not of corruptible seed. The gospel is not of corruptible seed so someone that is using a modern bible version that corrupts the text, that bible version cannot get you saved. Isn't that what it's saying? I mean am I just reading into that more than? People will say, I've heard this excuse. People will say, it's just Jesus, okay? Well you don't just walk up to someone's door and knock on it and as soon as they answer go Jesus and people get saved. That's not what it's talking about. You have to use the bible to get people saved. That's what it's teaching is that the incorruptible word of God is what gets people saved. So when you have someone going around with a bible perversion that has changed all the verses and they don't make sense or they're just completely changed then that bible can't get you saved. If the verses are exactly the same then I would say that those verses that are exactly the same are the word of God. Are they not? But the bible itself is corrupted and changed. The NIV takes out thousands and changes, it takes out, what is it, 16 whole verses? And then in one of them is Acts 8, 37 that says you have to believe with all your heart in order to be baptized. That's a big scripture. You know why they don't want that in there? So people will just get baptized and think that baptism saves you. That's why. So is that a corruption? Why would they take that out? Because they want you to be able to be baptized and have people say well I don't know if I believe with all my heart. Well then you can't be baptized. That's just the simple truth of it.