(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Not only just knows your Bible but you've gotten a considerable amount of sin out of your life because hey look do you remember what you were like before you got saved? Okay so where are you now? Are you still teetering back and forth on one side or the other? Hey you got there's some things you got to get out of your life when you become a Christian or you're going to still play with your little baby toys you know in the nursery because you haven't grown up yet maybe you've read the Bible a little bit but you're still playing with your little baby toys because you haven't gotten the sin out of your life because you got one foot in the world and one foot in church you know and so you struggle go to church go jet skiing go to church go just go quading go hunting go shooting whatever it is that you do around here in Boise Idaho uh jujitsu boxing whatever I mean whatever you're doing that's different than look there's times to be in church there's times to be working there's times to be homeschooling there's times to be doing all this stuff there's times for leisure but when the church doors are open you should be here when it's time to read your Bible in the morning you should read your Bible in the morning when it's time to read your Bible in the evening you should read your Bible in the the evening. You know that you could read the Bible in one year with 15 minutes a day? Seven and a half minutes in the morning, seven and a half minutes in the night. That's it. I'm sure that you do things for seven and a half minutes all the time and you're like oh time's flying by you know you're doing whatever. Whatever you know at seven and a half minutes and sometimes there's some tough reading right? But hey in one year if you're just like a regular reader you can get through the whole Bible and look then you passed like baby goal number one. You got the tummy time right? Right? You've passed tummy time. Now it's time to have you know some cat some carrots some mashed up carrots right? You know I'm saying it's like those are the things that you need to do to grow. You know get that Bible done one time all the way through and it's like it unlocked something with you. Can't explain it. You feel like you've arrived yes every word but you forgot that one word you know you know I'm just kidding but hey you get it through one time then you just go again you go again and you go again and then you advance and you're learning and your knowledge. Look this Bible is what's gonna keep you from sin.