(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's easy to complain about how much activities that we have or we don't have. See, here's the thing, I can never make everybody happy. We got too much stuff going on here. There's just too much. I just can't handle it anymore. But if I stop the activities tomorrow, I guarantee people will be going, we hardly do anything. Where's overtime money going? I'm serious. It's funny, but it's not funny. We do have a lot of stuff going on here and as I said before, you don't have to come to all of it. You don't have to do everything. But then I'm just going to think you're backslidden anyway. But seriously, we do have a lot of things going on, but my thing is to keep you busy. Then you're not going to, an idle hands is the devil's workshop, right? If you're sitting at home playing John Madden football instead of going to soul winning, maybe if you go to the events that we have going on, you won't be so idle because playing John Madden football is idleness. God's telling me about John. No, I'm kidding. It's easy to complain about not soul winning in good areas too. That's a common complaint. I complain about it too. I'm like, man, but I shouldn't. We got to reach the whole city. When do we need to reach that whole city? We need to reach these places that have more rich people, but we're still getting people saved in those areas just because we're not coming back with 23 saved. Well, look, there comes a time when you have to stop going to all the slums and you got to focus on other areas too. When we've hit these areas like seven and eight and nine times, you know what the Bible talks about the Sabbath, right? That you had to let the land rest for a season. Sometimes you got to let the land rest for a season. We got to have a Sabbath of soul winning away from those easy areas because what happens is they start getting gospel blazed. They start expecting you once a month to come to their houses, right? And then they're just like, nope, nope. But maybe if you let the land rest a little bit, the area will be fruitful again. We got to get those dirt clods turned up in the areas that suck, right?