(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, you got the Kyle Rittenhouse situation. He was prepared for the day of battle, wasn't he? And, you know, safety was of the Lord, apparently. Or he was a great shot. You know, I don't know, if God just wanted those guys dead or what. But I'm pretty sure he wanted the first guy dead, right? So that guy shouldn't have been breathing air for as long as he was. He was a pedophile, and he was a wicked person, you know? So I don't know if Kyle Rittenhouse is a Christian or not, but I hope he is, I hope he gets saved if he's not, so. But the point is, is that to be armed, there's nothing wrong with being armed. People act like Christians are supposed to never be armed under any situation, that's just a weird interpretation. Jesus said, you know, if you don't have a sword, sell your garment and buy one. I mean, why would he say that? Because he wants you to be able to protect yourself. So, there's nothing wrong with defending your family, protecting your family, protecting yourself.