(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In the in this current snowflake generation of all inclusiveness, I don't know if you've heard of inclusion It happened, you know instead of It happens instead of them wanting to include other holidays. They really want to get rid of Christmas That's what they really want to do. They don't want Christmas to be something that's more important than the other holidays. So at work We had we're not even allowed to call it a Christmas tree. They say you got to call it a giving tree. Oh It's it's the giving tree Don't call it a Christmas tree or we'll have to take it out of here But they got posters all over the wall of all these other religions and that's okay You know when it's time to clean the floors, you know what they did They took the Christmas tree out and stuck it in a hall, you know, and look I don't worship Christmas trees It's not that big of a deal to me. We don't have a Christmas tree in the church I don't want to offend anybody if they think it's pagan or whatever, but the it's not it's not the fact that they It's not the fact that it's a Christmas tree. It's the fact of what it represents to them that they would throw the Christmas tree out in the hallway and leave all that other crap up on the wall and Then act like we're supposed to we're not supposed to I bet you they wouldn't you know They wouldn't call it a stop calling them an aura because of to offend somebody, right? So what I'm saying is that they're right just ready to kick the Christmas tree out the door They won't even call it a Christmas tree They call it a giving tree, but all their other stuff can be up on the walls, right? That's what I'm talking about You know They just want to they just want to push their agenda down our throat and tell us that we can't celebrate Christmas Don't we don't want to offend anybody. Why does it offend you so much because it's the truth That's why they don't want people to hear the story of Jesus They don't want to hear people to hear the story of the gospel because the gospel gets people saved The death, burial and resurrection when people believe in that when they believe in Christ to save them They get saved and the devil does not want that and so he wants anything to come in between That happening even as much as to make up a bunch of stupid holidays that don't matter just to compete with it