(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Pray without ceasing. Now some people would take this verse and they'd say, you know, does that mean I'm supposed to be praying 24-7-3-6-5? I don't think that that's what it's saying. Now, because you would never get anything else done. You know, you have to work, you have to, you know, do certain things in your life. You can't just only be in prayer. What is this talking about? Well, I believe it's talking about not stopping your prayer life. And this is something that's easy to go by the wayside, especially if your schedule's off. Say, like, your schedule's flipped or something. Well then, you know, I don't know about you, but me, I like to have a routine. Especially the older I get, the more I like a routine. And if my routine is thrown off, it throws off everything else in my life. So we have to learn to not let that happen with our prayer life. If you have to set alarms three times a day for you to pray.