(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Not for weight of glory. be on his side by thy love constraining by thy grace divine we are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine Jesus thou hast bought us not with gold Jesus thou hast bought us not with gold Lord's side Savior we are thine Good singing on the last Fierce may be the conflict strong may be the foe But the king's own army none can overthrow Round his standard ranging victory is secure For his truth unchanging makes the triumph sure Joyfully enlisting by thy grace divine We are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine We are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine We are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine We are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine We are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine We are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine his cause or blush to speak his name and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown yes we shall wear a crown yes we shall wear a crown and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem wear a crown wear a crown wear a bright and shining crown and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem must I be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease while others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown yes we shall wear a crown yes we shall wear a crown and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem who wear a crown wear a crown wear a bright and shining crown and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem on the last sure I must fight if I would rain increase my courage Lord I'll bear the toil endure the pain supported by thy word and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown yes we shall wear a crown yes we shall wear a crown and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem wear a crown wear a crown wear a bright and shining crown and when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem welcome to Sure Foundation Baptist Church great seeing everybody and it's gonna be an amazing day when we get that crown of glory and then so welcome like I said welcome to Sure Foundation Baptist Church and let's pick our bulletins and look at them really quickly the bulletins will raise up your hand all right our verse of the week says he make it the storm a calm so that the waves thereof are still Psalms chapter 107 verse 29 of course that's the Lord it's talking about he's able to calm the storm there's lots of storms going on right now especially for Pastor Mejia at First Horse Baptist Church and so we're continuing to pray for him I was looking in history of this country where if a church has ever been bombed before and of course there has been in the south a couple churches you know back in the civil rights phase got bombed but I can't I couldn't find any instances of a Bible believing church being bombed before in this country so that's the first but of course you know the news outlets are you know given a caveat as to why they were able to bomb them because they stood for the truth you know against the LGBT sickos that have been persecuting them for a couple weeks now a few weeks now and but that's that's what they're gonna say oh it's okay it's it's fine you know because they hated people well the Bible says there's a time to love and a time to hate is this figure out working they're working oh yeah they're okay I just thought I sounded loud I don't know didn't even notice okay so yeah so continue to pray for Pastor Mejia and First Works Baptist Church it's a real shame well it's been a lot to be done and I really honestly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't just bring anybody to justice that won't surprise me at all I mean it's a big deal it's in the New York Times it's in CNN but they're just not reporting it as if it's something that was bad that happened it kind of has an underlying tone in those but you know I thought it was a hate crime to persecute people for their religious beliefs you know I thought that that was part of you know that's the it's a hate crime isn't it they hate us because of what we believe isn't that a hate crime but I guarantee you they probably won't even get persecuted or prosecuted for it so anyway our service times that sure foundation Baptist Church Sunday morning service is 10 30 a.m. third a Sunday evening service tonight is at 3 30 p.m. our Thursday Bible study is at 6 30 p.m. and we'll still be in 1st John chapter 2 for one more one more sermon so last up wait last week I preached about the Antichrist the coming Antichrist and this week I'm going to preach about about the spirit of Antichrist and those that are that are Antichrist so there's many Antichrist in the world and of course you know First Works Baptist Church that's been revealed in that but those people are Antichrist the the LGBT agenda is Antichrist Black Lives Matters is Antichrist and there's many other Antichrist in the world we're gonna talk about that on Thursday night so our so many times are listed below we have so wanting at 1 p.m. today and brother Brandon is gonna have the maps ready I need three captains it looks like today is anybody willing to be a captain all right one two and three all right so we have three captains so Brandon did you see those hands okay great so and if you're running late or if you're not in the whatsapp group you might we we do our so money through a whatsapp group so if you need the address you're gonna need to get with Brandon to get the address if you're from out of town and we appreciate by the way everybody coming from out of town and you're expecting a different preacher I think but I thought I tried to get the word out but yeah past from here is unable to attend he was supposed to be preaching here today for both services but that's been altered that chain you know if you didn't want to preach on my birthday past from here I mean you could have went about it some other way just kidding but yeah just pray for them I know it's a that's got to be hard I mean I don't know what the extent of the damage is in the building I haven't really got a chance to talk to pass from he have text him but you know obviously he's very busy so trying to work things out I know they're having church service today and undisclosed location so there's obviously an investigation going on with all that so we're gonna go soul winning today amen and we have regional sewing times brother Neb has been tearing it up and Tacoma he's had like five saved in the last couple weeks so that's great and the respective leaders are there underneath the regional sewing times we've had 19 salvation so far for January praise God for that our kids Spanish class is gonna be this next Tuesday at 6 p.m. so isn't it next Tuesday or is it I was getting confused the Tuesday after excuse me I got the yeah so is it next next Tuesday okay not this Tuesday but next Tuesday okay that's why it says next okay all right and then the baby shower for Nikki Ritchie has been postponed for I think we're trying to get a new date going on here but they are registered on Amazon under Evan Ritchie so if you want to get them a gift for their shower for the new baby that they're gonna have just go to amazon.com so look for the baby registries all right we'll get a new I don't know when the new day this is do you got a new date yeah no okay you failed me for the last time no I'm just kidding all right so we'll get that figured out on February 6 we have the Loja sweetheart married couples banquet and that will be on the 6th that's a Saturday night and pastor Enrique Reyes will be joining us with his wife Mary and he's gonna be preaching a short sermon and we're gonna have a nice dinner we're gonna have a Hawaiian dinner it's all Hawaiian themed so even if you can't go to Hawaii this year and it will bring Hawaii to you a taste of Hawaii so that's a good restaurant we're gonna go to or we're gonna have catered so it's gonna be really nice but I do need you to RSVP on the church email address or yeah that'd be probably the best thing to just email us and tell us you're gonna come and we're gonna have kind of like babysitting but it's not really I mean it kind of is but they're just like gonna be right in the next room where the blinds open so you can still see them beating your kids while you eat and I'm just just teasing so you can still see it's like it's kind of like yeah but if you're not comfortable doing that we're a family in a great church if you want to have your babies all on your laps while you're having a sweetheart moment that's up to you and I realized that everybody's had different walks of life I mean my wife don't have to chase while she's chasing my grandchild right now but we don't have to chase children around things like that so but don't worry you'll get there so at some point you'll be able to do things like that a little more but anyway so that's gonna be a fun time and make sure your RSVP for that the men's spiritual leadership call and pastor Enrique Reyes will be preaching for us February 7th on both services so he's a great guy he's a great friend of mine so looking forward to having him come preach for us and we have the men's spiritual leadership class at 6 p.m. on February 9th and the home school Valentine's party at 11 p.m. 11 p.m. kind of sweetheart are we what kind of Valentine's party is this 11 p.m. so it's actually gonna be I think at 11 a.m. so that's okay Rowan you know he has good days and bad days so just like all of us all right so it'll be at 11 a.m. at the church building on February 12th February 14th I'll be preaching that Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento and April 25th I'll be preaching at steadfast OKC we have the Hawaiian the Hawaiian anniversary trip tentatively schedule I mean it's not tentatively it's gonna be but before that I so I did get this locked in we are gonna have another missions trip to a nation that we've been to before the Yakima nation so we're doing that May 17th through 21st so it's locked in stone it's happening brother Corbin is gonna be coming to help again and we're gonna be preaching at the same church that we preached at both me and brother Corbin will be preaching two different nights there and so if you want to go of course I need to know about that so but so you know it's I'm telling you this far in advance because you know people need to get time off of work and things like that if they want to go and if you don't want to go to the whole thing you don't have to go the whole thing if you want to go to two nights you can go to two nights we just need to know how many people how many nights what nights you're gonna be there all right and so last year we ate like kings and you know we had we've stayed a nice hotel it was really nice and it's a great time we had 115 salvation so I wanted to replicate that this year and maybe more people would come and we can have an even better time so we had a lot of fun I was literally the highlight of my year usually it's the pumpkin patch but I think it was this year it was that so pumpkin patch was lame this year with all the coat and stuff but anyway it might have been fun for your kids but it wasn't fun for me anyway so let's see yeah so I'll just you know the coronavirus rules is no handshaking no hugging keep your distance when you're talking don't come to church sick the Bible memory passage so we've been working on is John 14 1 through 6 you should be starting on verse 3 this is week 3 so the first three are easy they flow really easily so if you get the whole thing done you'll get a special prize at the end of the six weeks so we're on week three so you got three actually with this week four weeks to go but this is the third week we're doing it and so if you quote that word perfect to a non family member then you will get a prize at the end so and also giving records are available upon request we're not going to have them out until the last week of January but if you want a giving record of your giving for this year just email me and let me know I nobody else has emailed me lately but we do have some that want them so if you want them just let they're available upon request all right and then again pray for Pastor Mahian first works Baptist Church pray for the UK future UK church plant that we're planning on launching soon and in March Lord willing and then the Seattle plants the Seattle Church we're planning on August of this year so got a lot of great things going on this year and so yeah you're all gonna be part of it so hopefully you know you are a part of it you know but not everybody can do everything I understand that so pick what you want to do and stick to that if you only have one week of vacation per year like some people I feel sorry for you but if you want a church cation that's what we usually would do so I mean you know we're we're here to serve the Lord right so if we can do extra we can do extra we're a family in a great church that means the children infants are welcome during the church services and we don't separate the children from their parents for any reason we do have mother baby rooms and a dad baby room available downstairs for your convenience if your child becomes a screamo then please take them promptly to the mother baby room chatter and things like that it doesn't bother me but like if they're literally just screaming stopping me in my tracks then please just take them out and then bring them back in when they stop crying so and then make sure that you're latching the baby gates if you're not here a lot and you don't know how to latch those just get one of the ushers to help you some that one back there's a little more complicated than this one over here that one just you open it and it shuts behind you most of the time so but that one over there is difficult plus the stairs are difficult so if you have a difficult time going downstairs with children you should use that way to go down the stairs so we have restrooms ladies restrooms located back there and then one downstairs for the men and so no food in the assembly area that rule is back in place and silence your cell phones at this time if you would please make sure you get an usher to escort you to a vehicle if you're a lady or your single lady or you have your children your husband's not here the ushers are the guys with the pens that say usher on them so I know you guys are tuned me out but let's tune back in alright so let's go we're gonna sing happy birthday to some birthday people so Andrea what that's your it's your birthday tomorrow or something okay and then miss Jessica I know that for sure because she shares my birthday so today's my birthday also and I'm not saying it to myself so someone else gonna come up here and sing happy birthday there's other people there's Tamara had a birthday just recently there you are and then one other person who was it who Oh Michelle yeah hi Michelle all right so Brandon you're gonna come up and sing happy birthday for us you're gonna play it can you play the tune all right let's play the tune all right let's sing happy birthday on three happy birthday on happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you all right brother Justin and brother CJ have a special gift for pastor also if you're a first-time visitor I don't know if anybody here is the first time visitor but if you are we have a special gift that we'd like to give you it's the film New World War Bible versions we also have being Baptist in there I believe and CD and some other stuff so if it's your first time here please grab one of these on the way out and we thank you for being a guest at our church and I think that's all for announcements is there anything else I need to say is everybody okay I don't think so all right well let's sing another song and we'll receive the offering turn in your Bibles to Psalm 11 Psalm 11 Psalm 11 let's sing it out on that first verse in the Lord but I might trust I'll say to my soul flee as a bird to your mountain below the wicked bender bow they make ready their arrow upon the string that they may privately shoot at the upright in heart if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do the Lord is in his holy temple the Lord's throne is in heaven his eyes behold his eyelids try the children of man the Lord trieth the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth his soul hateth upon the wicked he shall rain snares fire and brimstone and and horrible tempest this shall be the portion of their cup for the righteous Lord loveth righteousness his countenance doth behold doth behold the upright in the Lord put I my trust man at this time we'll have our offering brother Justin can you bless it for us you you you I go and open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 if you don't have a Bible you can raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one Matthew chapter 10 Matthew 10 the Bible reads and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease now the names of the twelve apostles are these the first Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother James the son of Zebedee and John his brother Philip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the publican James the son of Alphaeus the bass whose surname was the dais Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot who also betrayed him these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans into enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely ever sieved freely give provide neither gold nor silver nor brass in your purses nor script for your journey neither two coats neither shoes nor yet stabs for the workman is worthy of his meat and into whatsoever city or town you shall enter inquire who end it is worthy and there abide till you go thence and when you come into a house saluted and if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it but if it be not worthy let your peace return to you and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words we need to part out of that house or city shake off the dust of your feet verily I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues and he shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the Gentiles but when they deliver you up take no thought how or what you shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak for it is not you that speak but the spirit of your father would speak within you and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth and to the end shall be saved but when they persecute you in this seedy flee into another for verily I say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of Man become the disciples not above his master nor the servant above his Lord it is enough for me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me he that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it he that receiveth you receiveth me and he that receiveth me receive with him that sent me he that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward and whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his reward brother Ramon we pray for us Amen. The title of the sermon this morning is hated of all men. Hated of all men. Let's pray. Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great people that you have the Israel of God here and Lord I pray that you'd help me to minister to them today and to preach the Word of God in spirit and in truth and Lord I pray right now you fill me with your spirit and help me to preach boldly in Jesus name I pray amen all right so we're in Matthew chapter 10 look at verse number 16 it says behold I send you as forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as does see one thing that people don't understand about Christianity there's a lot of Christians out there that don't ever suffer persecutions they don't ever suffer me know why because they're not living godly in Christ Jesus so when you see a church that literally gets bombed by their enemies happen I mean like I said in the announcements this is unprecedented this is something that's never happened before in America as far as like I mean because I mean I don't know what the church is like that were bombed in the 60s but that was over civil rights which of course was still wicked but as far as like a Bible believing church ever getting firebombed like they did I don't know that that's ever happened in America before I could be wrong so if I'm wrong about that forgive me but I I used Google so so if there was another one there that I didn't know about I don't know but as far as I know that's never happened see God sends us out the Lord Jesus Christ sends us out as sheep among what wolves and so in case you didn't realize sheep are not the most you know if you think of a powerful animal and a really tough animal what do you do you think of sheep no so what is the Lord trying to tell us here is that as sheep you know we should be led by a shepherd as sheep we should go out and you know we're not sheep aren't known as attack animals are they they're not predators so we're supposed to be harmless like sheep are harmless and we're supposed to go out in the midst of wolves what does that mean in the midst of well that means that wolves are surrounding us all around but we're supposed to go into the midst of those wolves but be sheep it's a very difficult thing because my up my upbringing is different than a lot of people's upbringing there's some people in here that grew up gangster you know and I wouldn't say I was full gangster I hung out with gangsters I did some bad things when I was younger and but I was never like a drive-by shooter or I never bombed people's houses I never did things like that but I was you know I grew up rough I grew up in a broken home and you know when people attack before I was saved when people would attack me they'd get attacked back I was never really a bully growing up but when people would pick on me then I'd you know I'd instead of turning the other cheek I would turn their cheek is what I'm saying okay so but as Christians we're not supposed to battle in the flesh we're not supposed to bat that our battle is not a physical battle see but does that stop our enemies from making it physical no because the enemies of God these wolves these are wicked people so we're supposed to go out in the midst of a wicked people of wolves I mean what are wolves like wolves will tear sheep to shreds for no reason they will kill just to kill they don't just kill sheep to eat them a lot of times they'll if they come upon a flock they'll kill every sheep even if they're not going to eat them all because what a wolves do they attack sheep they attack innocent animals that can't defend themselves and so as sheep you know you see some some sheep have horns have your has anybody ever been like rammed by a sheep or something okay so sometimes the males can get a little spunky right and they'll and they'll they'll they'll bump you but goats like they'll definitely you know you turn or turn your back on a goat and they're gonna go after you but that's just they're kind of like wolves too I mean goat or you know they're not as obviously as aggressive as wolves are but they can't ferociously tear you to pieces like a wolf can but they can ram you so every once in a while we have to use our horns to defend ourselves right just like a sheep would but in general you know sheep are not attack animals but the Bible says behold I send you forth a sheep in the midst of wolves our calling is to go out into the world and be harmless to people we're not supposed to fight physical battles we're not supposed to attack back I guarantee you that Pastor Mejia right now is not planning to bomb some kind of retaliate in retaliation to what happened to their church which is a disgrace they're not trying to plan a retaliation bombing because that's not what we're called to do and unfortunately we have to take things like that all the time even just going to knocking on doors people are very rude to us their their mass says welcome all are welcome but they don't mean us do they when they cuss us out and sometimes they'll threaten fight us you know sometimes we'll leave a card on their door and the next thing you know there's a bunch of sodomites filthy disgusting pigs out in front of our church protesting us so we've had we've been protested also but not on the magnitude that what happened with Pastor Mejia see now we have no leader leadership in this country and so I I think because they were already given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted before this now they think that they still can and maybe they can maybe they will I mean the you know the the people FBI and the police department we'll see if they actually bring someone to justice they might just bring a patsy who knows but what was done at first works Baptist Church was calculated it was planned and they were being threatened and I talked on Thursday night and that's this is before the book you know this is before the bombing happened that you know we've been threatened on Facebook too we had a guy that threatened to come and kill everybody in our congregation one time and I reported that to the police and I go well we can't really do anything about it oh really you can't you got his name you know where he lives he's threatening to come and shoot up our church because of something I preached and that's the thing when we go out in the midst of the wolves we're supposed to be preaching the truth of God's Word and as a pastor I'm supposed to be preaching God's Word and you know what the wolves don't like being told that they're wicked the people out in the world the worldly people do not like being told that are wicked or something they're doing is wicked do they attack us every day not necessarily every day but they do attack and especially when they hear something that's against the status quo of the devil that's going on in this world right now because what the Bible says is contrary to every wicked thing in this world but what are we supposed to be like we're supposed to be like sheep see if a man strives he's supposed to strive lawfully the man of God we're supposed to strive lawfully we're supposed to and then be harmless as doves the Bible says right here wise as serpents but harmless as doves we're not attack we're not we're not using literal armor of God we're using spiritual armor to fight our battles and the sword of the Lord is the Word of God that's our attack weapon and so people don't like it when you attack their darkness they don't they they don't like when the light is shined in their eyes and puts forth the gospel to them or so number one we're hated because of how we're sent out see bullies and wicked people will always try to physically attack and physically harm people when they know that they won't defend themselves and when it comes to the Word of God and preaching God's Word and going out and going so on and doing great works for God we're expected to do it in a harmless manner if someone comes we go to the door and they say hey let's fight we shouldn't you know we should go let's go that'd be a bad mistake like Pastor Jones the first time I ever went so any with him someone challenged him to a fight and he dropped his backpack he's like come on however Pastor Jones has learned from that lesson well just like doing this guy's chafed in his mind he don't care but you know it would have been a big mistake for that guy to come out Pastor Jones by the way if anybody's ever seen him hit me it's a role in jiu-jitsu he's he's a tough guy so I'd be like the biggest mistake of that guy that would have been the biggest mistake of that guy's life to come out but see and just and you know and the guy wasn't necessarily a sodomite but these people these haters of God they usually won't come by themselves they're like they are like dogs they're brute beasts these I'm talking about reprobates here not just regular sinners okay I'm talking about reprobates they're like dogs in a lot of different ways they're like brute beasts aren't that's what the Bible compares them to is brute beasts the Antichrist is called the beast that's which is why I think he's a fag but that you know you got to understand that these the Bible comparison to that for what reason because they're willing to do anything you know what do what do brute beasts do they attack things they kill things you know if you think of like a lion what's a lion gonna do if you're just strolling through the Sahara by yourself you just happen to walk past and what do you think they're gonna do is smile at you no they're gonna eat you with a smile on their face but they're not gonna smile at you they're like what a dumb human but you know these people are compared to brute beasts for a reason because you know but what what does a dog do like these little dog packs have ever seen these little dog packs in Africa they're tiny dogs but they'll go in big packs and then they'll attack big things because together they're they're tough but when they're by themselves they're scared you can throw a little rock at him and they'll run away when we were in White Swan I was just talking to Pastor Rick Messler on the phone yesterday and White Swan he's like I've never seen that many pit bulls in my whole life Blake was about to have the family jewels removed by a big pit bull when he was at the door you know I mean but isn't it funny how people are compared these wicked people are compared to wolves what's a wolf it's a dog and dogs are willing to hurt anybody for any reason they just don't care and that's what these reprobates are like God but Jesus sends us out still so one thing that we have to understand about ourselves is that we are sent out that way we have to strive lawfully see the wicked people they won't strive lawfully is it against a lot of bomb the building yeah that's why the FBI was there because it's against the law it's a federal offense to bomb a building but yet they don't have to strive lawfully they can do whatever they want to us and it seems like nobody really cares but get used to it why am I preaching this sermon because we have to understand our position in this battle and although we're angry and we want to strike back we want to do that you know there's times when I felt like fighting people but you know what I can't do that that's not my calling my calling is to you know so I have to resist those urges to cry you know back in the day if someone got in my face they're gonna get punched seriously like I felt like if you know there's a danger zone when someone gets in front of you and they're like you know they're acting like they're gonna hit you but the first time I ever dropped somebody I was 18 years old and I realized I have man's strength now I was like but you know what that made me realize is that someone else could do the exact same thing to me if I let them do that and so every time after that it was hit first ask questions later oh you weren't trying to find me well maybe you shouldn't have got my face you know but I can't be like that anymore I've never been in a fight since I've been saved so and it's not because you know I just lost the desire to fight when I got you know it's because I know I'm not supposed to the Bible says we're supposed to keep God's commandments and his commandments are not grievous unto us so we have to fight a different battle our battles a spiritual battle why do they what they hate us because of how we're sent out the way we're sent out as sheep as sheeps and again let's think about the the animal comparison of a dove or I are who's seen a dove in the wild before I've seen them I've heard they're tasty but they're small me but they flock they fly weird and you know they're do but do you think of them as like if you want to say you know if I had an eagle at my rest you know if I had some kind of bird that I could control it would go do things for me is it a dove because doves don't attack things do they now Falcons people like trained Falcons and they go and they hunt for them they'll go out and snatch something and bring it back to them there's certain you know there's a certain kind of ant birds of prey is what they're called and they're pretty it's I saw I saw a bald eagle eat a Canadian goose one time and I was like America but we're like on this boat trip and all sudden I look over there's this giant eagle I mean it was huge and it's just eating a Canadian goose and I was just like without just tells so many different things you know but you know you never see a dove eating anything besides like seeds and things like that so that's how we're supposed to be we're supposed to be harmless and because we're harmless in the world and these people these wolves know that that's how we're supposed to be that that just gives them even more incentive to attack us like Stephen think about Stephen when they grabbed him that was it he just did he didn't like going to kung fu mode and start you know beating all these guys up and then finally they they read no he just he knew what was gonna happen and he and he just was like you know this is what this is what I got to do and he said father forgive them he wanted them to be forgiven his mission was to go out and reach people and what happened he went out amongst the wolves and they caught him and they stoned him to death they killed him why because it is preaching about their works being evil and the fact that they crucified the Lord Jesus Christ but we can't be an attack animal we can't were sent out as you know animals that are not known for attacking people because that's the picture here and so we're hated because of how we're sent out turn to Matthew 11 just a page over in your Bible verse 12 even the first prophet that was ever born the first saved person that was born of Adam and Eve what happened to him he was murdered by Cain why because his deeds were evil and his brothers were righteous so people have always been killing people of faith throughout from the first person ever born and until the end that's what's gonna happen so we have to put that perspective in our minds and understand that so it says in verse 12 here says and from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence suffereth violence what does suffereth mean allows or it actually means suffering we suffer violence we get attacked we get beat up we get people get killed now that hasn't started happening yet but it's going to and so a sermon like this will help prepare your heart and it's not going to be easy to have to go through stuff like this but we shouldn't be surprised we need to quit being surprised by stuff like this and obviously it's a shock to see what's happened down in LA it's a shock I mean it is a big deal but it's the beginning of things like this happening they're they're ramping it up now we'll see if you know obviously people that see this people live in that neighborhood hopefully they see the sodomites for exactly what they are which is wicked people there's nothing good about them what do they do show up half-dressed show up looking like the biggest freak show faggots you've ever seen in your life like the circus the gay circus has come to town or something they were gonna do a drag queen party in front of that building today but they canceled it because they don't want to look bad worse than they already look they already look bad now yeah but what do you think those neighborhood people would think of them if they came in protest of the building you know obviously they can't even meet in the building right now but what do you think that those people would think hopefully this wakes some people up hopefully the sodomite deception movie wakes some people up you know and if if we can reach some people with that with that message because people need to hear what you know people get upset because we preach against the sodomites so much but you know what this like Pastor Anderson said the film you know he said I didn't realize this was gonna be the fight of our time when I was a kid I didn't realize this was gonna be the fight of our time you know I didn't even realize that I didn't I don't even know if I'd ever met a sodomite that I knew was a sodomite for sure until I was way into the 1990s today I'm 46 years old by the way so the 1990s seems like a long way some of you guys were born after that so but my one of my teachers was a faggot and then she started talking about it in the classroom one time and people were pissed about it I was pissed about it we're like hey you're not supposed to be talking about that stuff in here but you know she had some allies in there in the classroom so but I mean even then people were outraged over homos it was a like she wasn't an open homo she but she she had influenced the class enough to share the fact that she was and they try to act all innocent and they try to act like like they're just so loving is it loving to bomb somebody's church building how loving is that you know why they hate us because our deeds are righteous and their deeds are evil and they can't stand to have a man of God get up and preach about how wicked they are it angers them because they've been given carte blanche to do whatever they want now they're out they're out of the closet first day you know they just wanted the right to be married that's all we want but you know what they're implacable that's not all they want they're implacable that means they're unable to be placated they're always gonna want more nothing's ever gonna be good enough except the kingdom you know what I cannot believe how many faggot affirming churches there are in this area and across that bridge right there they should be ashamed of themselves there's no faggots ever gonna be allowed in this building and if they pretend well that's their problem but if I find out you're a queer you're getting bounced out the door quickly we're gonna ask you nice twice you know and if you're coming and try to play our piano and say I could be here if I want someone might just pick you up and throw you out the building right right it's happened we don't want these sick disgusting perverts around our children why do we have to be family integrated because there's so many perverts out there they want to have access to children I'm only on point one good night I got to move on here but see the the Bible says you're already in Matthew chapter 11 verse 12 it says the kingdom of heaven suffered violence and the violent take it by force see we can't be violent back we're not supposed to be violent back Jesus said I send you out as sheep I you know be harmless as a dove that means we're not supposed to fight back that's what it means not in that way how do I do my fighting from the pulpit the Word of God the sword of the Lord that's what we use that's how we hit back but see they don't have to do that they don't have to keep the rules and the fact that they did that is evident token of their perdition a token is something you can visibly see that represents you know something so that token is an evident token of their perdition when they do the wicked works that they do it just shows us what they really are because loving people people that you know are diverse people that believe in equity those kind of people are that's just a lie straight out of the pit of hell they don't even believe that themselves because who they do hate us or the Bible says we were hated of all men and that includes fags they probably hate us the most I mean if you were watching that film one of the parts of it says impeach God that's not all they didn't want just Donald Trump out they want God out so don't let this bombing allow the haters of God to strike fear into your hearts that's what they want that's the ultimate goal is to make people afraid and to make them be scared and think and to double double think should I really be in this movement is this really of God well you know if you actually read your Bible you would know that this movement is of God when you're being persecuted guess what when you're being persecuted that's a telltale sign that you're on the right team because Jesus said that we're gonna be the violent will try to take it by force we suffer violence one thing that I was talking to pastor Shelley so I can't I can't take this quote and use that as my own but here's something he said to me the other night when we were talking he said I'd rather die in an explosion than to go to hell I mean I'd I'd rather die in an explosion than to live the rest of my life as a compromiser so think about that before you just quit because you're not just not you're not just quitting on this church you'd be quitting on God and you know what I would rather get bombed and know that I'm going straight to heaven with a good with more rewards for being a martyr than to live the rest of my life and just roll out some faggot flag in front of my church building and say all are welcome like this stinking place next door all are welcome that's a hit right in our face even the coffee shop homophobes are not allowed well you know what homophobes are keeping your business alive so you better be careful what you're saying I did confront them about that and they're like oh we didn't mean you okay I just want to make sure but I'm not a homophobe I just hate them not afraid of them so whenever someone calls you a homophobe to say I'm not a homophobe I don't I'm not afraid of queers I just don't like them now if I was surrounded by them that might be a different story you know the Bible says one man can chase a thousand all right two men can chase ten thousand so I mean really I've walked through a sea of sodomites before and they didn't lay a finger on me you know why because God was protecting me God was protecting Verity Baptist Church I mean you saw that quip or brother Vlady kind of walks by but we all made that procession and they had cages to hold them back just like the animals that they are Pastor Jones was walking by and this guy was going he's like you're weak famous Joe Jones quote you're weak they hated us they don't want the police would have been there they would have tried to rip us from one dilemma so don't think that they don't hate us they hate us and so Psalm chapter 2 is turn over Psalm chapter 2 keep your place in Matthew chapter 10 I'm gonna come back to that but Psalm chapter number two Psalm chapter two verse number one the Bible says why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing why do the heathen rage what is a rage when you're just freaking out you're upset you're angry and they look they imagine a vain thing just like they imagine evolution just like they imagine all these things happen that didn't really happen but they're imagining something that they wish could happen but it's never gonna happen they want to overthrow God they want to destroy all God's people but you know what they're not gonna be able to do it the Bible says the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying this is what they say let us break their bands asunder and cast their cords from us you know what God's gonna do he's gonna laugh he'll laugh in their faces when they try to destroy the Lord Jesus Christ and I was preaching about this Thursday but you know what we get to come back with the Lord Jesus Christ and see the destruction of the wicked beast army and the Antichrist and the false prophet and Satan is cast into hell for a thousand years we get to see that so don't forget that they might kill our body they might hurt us our family might turn away from us our friends might turn away from us the world might turn away from us but you know who's not gonna turn away from us God and he's gonna have the recompense and they're gonna reap the whirlwind that they showed the win to Matthew chapter 5 verse 39 still keep your place in Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 5 verse 39 says but I say unto you that you resist not evil what does that mean we're not supposed to fly back resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek turn to him the other also so someone slaps you in the face turn the other that's what you're supposed to do to our enemies right we're not we're supposed to resist not evil when people attack us for the reasons of the gospel I'm not saying don't defend your homes don't get me wrong here if 100 saw my showed up at my house they're gonna get the heater okay because then I know what they're trying to do I'm not gonna allow them a foot inside my house so they could say pastor come out pastor Thompson come out they're always wanting to surround somebody's building aren't they yeah you know what they said to Pastor Mahina last week in the protest come out Bruce come out come out Bruce come out chanting that while he's preaching and they don't even realize that they're fulfilling self fulfilled prophecy because that's what the sodomites did in Judges chapter 19 that's what the sodomites did in Genesis chapter 19 come out that we may know you that's what they want to do they want us to come out so they can rip us from limb to limb and what do they want to do they want to harm they want to harm us they want to rape men they want I mean they're disgusting when we had that protest that girl she said that she was gonna turn our daughters into lesbians we're gonna come to your church oh no you're not think they're gonna come but they're not getting in the front door did anybody get the front door no and I stood out there and talked crap to crap to him for hours it was fun but you know what they did a pastor he meant is when he had his big fight against the sodomites I was standing outside listening and say come out Roger come out come out Roger come out isn't that funny yeah I mean that's exactly what they do they want us to come out so they can harm us so they can do vile and disgusting things to us you're in Matthew 30 do Matthew 5 yeah so yeah Matthew so turn to Matthew chapter 26 it's a Matthew day we are coming back to verse or to Matthew chapter 10 though all right so verse 51 and behold one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck a servant of the high priest and smote off his ear we know this is Peter Peter's the one that chopped off his ear because what happened Judas betrayed Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and what did his disciples you know he told him to go buy two you know buy two swords or he said to go buy a sword right so they might have thought well this is we need to fight this is time to fight they're trying to arrest our Savior right now they're trying to take him when he's not with they you know what when they wanted to take him at night when the people weren't around because if they would have tried to do that with the people around they would have been able to do it so they they they were trying to find him and get him when he was out on his own just with a few people so Peter cuts off the high priest servants ear and what does Jesus say in verse 52 then said Jesus unto him put up again thy sword in its place for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels did the Lord Jesus Christ need Peter to stick up for him did he need him to chop the chop up the high priest servant no he could have literally just spoke and they would have exploded right there because everything obeys the voice of God when Jesus speaks things happen so he could have had the angels come and destroy them whatever he wanted to do but that's not the fight that we're in did Jesus fight back physically no he didn't he allowed himself to be killed he died for our sins and he could he have defended himself oh very easily but you see we're supposed to be like our Lord we're supposed to follow in his footsteps we're supposed to put on the new man and our battle is a spiritual battle so when we go out we're supposed to be harmless I'm not up here trying to start a fight where I where I say hey everybody take up arms and if they come back next time we're gonna shoot them all I'm not saying that because that's not that's not what we're supposed to do we're supposed to be harmless supposed to be like sheep turn to Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 the Bible spells this out for us Jesus was our example of this fact this is my longest point but it's a long one sorry Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 it says for we wrestle not against what flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places and you know what when a news agency is telling us that you know the reason why they got bombed is because they're anti LGBT I mean that is that no that's not really the real reason the real reason is because Pastor Mahan preaches the Word of God you know we're supposed to preach the whole counsel of God and not apologize about it Jeff Owens he's simpleton I don't preach like that anymore he preached probably one of the hardest sermons ever on the sodomites and said that we should go she actually was threatening them with violence which I don't agree with but then he backs it up well I didn't even believe that when I preached it what you fag hag you queer bait he probably lets him in his church now too doesn't he so in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 go ahead and turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 says in verse 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal that means they're not fleshly they're not real swords they're not real shields they're not real armor but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds there's a lot of strongholds in this world right now but you know what the Lord is gonna help us pull those down but not through weapons of war we're not laying siege we're not real commandos with machine guns trying to go and destroy people we're in the Lord's army but our army is a spiritual army we're supposed to do spiritual things our goal is to actually seek and save that which was lost just like Jesus did but we do have the power to pull down spiritual strongholds you know and we can break through their ranks and we can get some people saved we can save some people alive verse 5 says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted this self against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ that's our job you know the best we can be is gonna make us the best soldiers we can be you know that army slogan says be all you can be it's actually kind of true but in a physical sense that's what they're talking about but us it's a spiritual be all you can be be the best Christian that you can be and you know what you're gonna be able to pull down strongholds you're gonna be able to destroy the enemy but not with a real sword not with your fists but with the Word of God and being a righteous person God wants it why does he want us to be righteous because we can do more things for him when we're obedient so number two this morning because they hate us they want to hurt us because they hate us they want to hurt us so they don't only want to they don't only hate us because of how we're sent out they hate us because they want you know they they want to hurt us because they hate us so turn back in your text to Matthew chapter 10 let's look at verse 17 Matthew 10 verse number 17 Bible says but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues now of course you know the Jews don't have the power like that to do that to us right now you know and obviously was talking to his disciples and things like that but I mean when you apply this to us we should still be aware of men and know that they will try to deliver us up they'll try to go after people's jobs and what kind of a scumbag tries to get someone fired because of what they believe the same type of people that can't even sleep at night until they've caused someone to fall that's what they do they go after people's jobs they want to destroy our lives but they also want to hurt us physically they want to hurt us and they will try we got to be prepared for it you know and when someone bombs your building that just shows that they want to do violence it's not just about we want to show everybody what loves really like so we're gonna show up and try to defile everybody's kids as mines by looking at some sick drag queen and you know what in that film that we watched last night he showed the the library where all around the world they had these drag queen story hours he intentionally did not show what they looked like in drag because it's so hideous and so disgusting that he wanted to file your minds with the images of those sodomites if one thing that's good about being able to watch that film is there's not a lot of fat freaky looking fags in there and he did that on purpose because he doesn't want to file our minds you know there's a couple of whispers that we're talking in the film but for the most part he didn't show a bunch of freaks he didn't show all their parades where they get up and and do desecrate the Lord by showing him on a cross is gay or you know just all the weird stuff that they do why is it when they want to come out and show love they want to hurt people that hurts me that hurts my eyeballs makes me want to scratch him out when I have to see that I don't like him serving my food it's disgusting but if you even say something you're probably gonna get your food spit in so you might as well just leave you know I mean we have to deal with these hateful you know here's here's what the New York Times said said bomb explodes at California Church known for hateful views it's not just hey terrorists attack and destroy and blow up a church they're wicked as hell or they're evil we're trying to find them it's no bomb explodes at California Church known for hateful views so what there's something against having a hateful view we have loving views too but they never they never want to say that how we want to reach our communities and go on missions trips and and have people converted to Christ so that they can be saved and not have to go to hell that's loving you know what's not loving is trying to stop people like that from doing it who else is doing it who else is sending people in droves out soul-winning and trying to get people saved is it the Baptist reach up the street a Baptist Church up the street no is it the Baptist Church across town no no they're not they're not sending people out and the one church that does it's a mixed bag of what they're even gonna say to the people at the door we trained soldiers to go out to battle to spiritual battle for war and you know what we're trying to save people we're not trying to end their lives we're trying to save their lives we're trying to get them out of hell and they want to shut us down they want to destroy our churches they want to make us lose our jobs they want to make us lose our lives says officials said no one was injured during the tax so that just makes it okay don't worry no one was injured in an attack the church had been the target of protests over its message against women Jews LGBTQ people and the Black Lives Matter movement so that's how they lead off the article it's okay because this is what they believe you know what we don't hate Jews we don't hate Jews we want Jews to be saved we don't hate women we just want them to be in the right role you know that's gonna help society we do hate LGBTQ people though that's true and the Black Lives Matter people it's not really about black let's see how they try to separate it they are the LGBT movement the Black Lives Matter or the LGBT movement they're one of the same they're against the nuclear family what which means a normal family we stand against that they said they want to be you know a village to raise people I don't want some faggot raising my kid I don't want some faggot having influence over my children they're weird their psychopath reprobates watch the film we have it here in the foyer please take one home and watch it if you haven't watched it they're psyched you know Richard Ramirez is one of the featured psychopaths in that you know what he did they don't really tell this out loud because you know they don't want you to know what these people really are was Richard Ramirez though not he was the Night Stalker you know what he did he killed people randomly he'd kill older people he'd kill young people black white what it doesn't matter what color they were doesn't matter what neighborhood they came from he just killed them all but some people he let go but he would rape women and he'd rape men he'd rape children he would kidnap children rape them and let them go why do you think he would do that because he wants them to be the next generation of him that's why he was possessed there's no doubt about that so but you know the media doesn't want that to get out because you know maybe back then they did but when you hear when you watch a show about him it generally doesn't tell that he was kidnapping little children too one of the girls he kidnapped was six years old and she lived one of the one of the murders he did he killed the dad to shot him and his head was sleeping raped the mother then raped the eight-year-old boy you know why because he was a psychopath reprobate and he was a sodomite he was a queer and then people will get up like hocus-pocus on the family and all these plate and they want they want us they want to poison our minds you know many Christians say that Jeffrey Dahmer was saved that he repented at the last minute that Ted Bundy was saved he was a pedophile Jeffrey Dahmer was a sodomite and pedophile Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker was not saved he never got saved I don't know if people claimed that he was but I know they claimed Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer that is gonna turn people off from the gospel if anything this is what these people are they're disgusting and the OIFB is a bunch of hating fag hags and queer baits they are compromises you know why they never get attacked you know why they never get persecuted because they never do anything for God they quit doing things for God because if they were living godly in Christ Jesus you'd hear about sometime them getting protested for something I think Jeff Owens got got protested because pastor Anderson put that sermon on lines for people to hear that's why he made the apology because people said hunt a homo week or something like that right that that's what he said and that's why coward down like the strut the yellow striped back coward that he is Jeremiah to turn to Jeremiah to actually stay where you're at stay where you're at stay at Matthew chapter 10 verse 18 says you should be brought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the Gentiles so we're gonna be brought before Kings we're gonna be brought before these higher ups that's why it's against principalities and powers it says and when they deliver you up take no thought of how or what you shall speak for it shall be given you in the same hour what you shall speak we're gonna be having to give testimonies about the Lord for is not you to speak with the spirit of your father which speak within you so in the end times you know and and I'm sure there's been times in history where people had to get up and give an account of why they believe what they believe the spent of the you know the Spanish Inquisition you know all these different you know the Roman Catholics you actually burn us alive and and you know hold us in cages until we died and just all kinds of different things like that but we're gonna have to give it a testimony against them and the Gentiles the unbelievable you know the nation's is what Gentiles mean so these unbelievers you know we're gonna have to be brought forth at some time and not everybody's gonna have to deal with this but I'm sure that some people will and we're gonna have to give a testimony you know what and they're not always they're not gonna go oh you could you change their minds thanks now we're getting we're gonna tell them how it is from the Bible that's what we got to do and hey the Bible says don't don't predetermine what you're gonna say just let the spirit of the Lord influence you to say what you have to say and that's why it's good to have some some scripture memorized in your heart because you know that's a good thing to say is scripture when you're trying to testify about the Lord right Jeremiah 2 now I'll have you go to Jeremiah 2 you know it makes me sick last night somebody I'm banned on both Facebook accounts now by the way but it instantly like I just called someone a piece of trash and he was an old IFB guy you know I call him a piece of trash is he's like the reason why he got his church bomb is because they hate women and and and Jews and lesbian he like he was basically just regurgitating you know the New York Post article it's like what a piece he is a piece of trash it just shows me he's not a brother in Christ you know even if you don't agree with everything that we preach which it's straight from the Bible by the way but even if you don't agree with everything we preach you know at least you could stand up when someone's being persecuted but you know they don't know what persecutions like because they don't preach the Bible they preach their commentaries they preach all the garbage that they hurt learned at Cemetery that you know I mean Seminary they preach all the they preach a bunch of wishy-washy fluff they don't even have Bible verses practically in their sermons and if they do they're trying to exposit it so much that they're trying to figure out what the nail represents you know in or the the badger skins represent in in Exodus what does that represent I mean why don't you just go out and preach the Bible you know you don't have to know every detail of what everything means you know to look wax eloquent and stuff there's nothing wrong with learning doctrine and what things mean I'm not saying that but that's all they want to preach they don't want to preach the hard stuff when they get to Romans they just you know skip verse 26 through 31 they just skip the parts where they have to explain what a what a reprobate is or why God would give up on somebody twice why God would give them over to do those things that they do and it spells out that these are fags women changing the natural use men with men doing that which is unseemly and receiving that recompense of their air which is meat 15 they deserve to have AIDS they deserve to be destroyed and that's in the New Testament my friends it's not Old Testament they're like why don't you just preach the New Testament how about Jude how about second Peter or first Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 how about you know I mean the Bible explicitly tells us that these people are worthy of death so but you know we're not just hated by sodomites we're hated by all kinds of different people you know if we start preaching about women wearing britches I figure what they call in England but anyway they call it different things we say pants here but you start preaching about roles of men and women what what do they want to do they want to blur the lines they want us all to have the same haircuts like the what is that colt from the Heaven's Gate colt you know what they have all those people end up having the same haircuts wearing the same clothes you know why because that guy Apple White or whatever Apple Gate or whatever his name was he was a fag so and so and the and the woman that was part of that group was a lesbian they want us to conform to some weird thing where we're all omni genders or something you know the first thing President Biden did he put a drop down so if you're saying if you're emailing the White House he him she you know they put the the nonspecific pronouns on there they them hey they what's going on what's up them how weird is that at the place I work when they send emails they say they them he he or they just say like all of them just in case they miss one of the one of the weird pronouns that they want to be called now how about it I like that one better it thing freak I like those ones better Jeremiah 2 verse 32 says can I made forget her ornaments or a bride her a tire yet my people have forgotten me days without number why trimmest thou thy way to seek love a pastor or brother pastor Sean Brother Sean like mentioned this in his review and I really like that verse why trimmest thou thy way to seek love why are you trimming the message you stinking cowardly Baptist why don't you just say what's right you scared little babies just step down any of the guys in this building that preach could do a better job than you do anyway quit shaving your legs and start preaching something hairy why trimmest thou thy way to seek love they want everybody to love them oh how much do you love my sermon once you come up to the old-fashioned altar so I could know how good my sermon was I just want to be loved by everybody well that's what Billy Graham was too he was loved by everybody was he saved no the problem is there's been a replacement within the pulpits of Baptists around this country and I'd like to say that there's some good churches left in the old-life be but man they fail me every time it seems like and I'm not saying that there isn't okay I know that there's some diamonds in the rough out there but most people that are from all parts of this country and all over the world would love to have a church like this church in their town in their area so they could go and be sent out and serve the Lord with all their heart with all our mind with all their soul with all our strength this is therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways the wicked ones but you know what they like to do they'd like to trim the message they've caught out parts of of chapters when they're doing their Bible studies there was a pastor that I know that I was being taught they was going through the Psalms and guess what when he got to Psalm 69 guess what he did all we don't have time for this last verse the one that says that they're you know turn to Psalm 69 I forgot what verse it was but I think it was the last verse Psalm chapter 69 let's look at it together what did he skip over I just remember I was so excited and I was like man we're running out of time you know you look up the clock and they're doing their bio their Sunday school huh oh yeah let their eyes be darker that they see not make their loins continually to shake let their table be a verse 22 let their table become a snare before them that we should have been for their work welfare let it be a trap they're like you know and all these verses are talking about Judas and it says verse 28 let them be blotted out of the book of the living and not written with the righteous skipped oh we just oh I ran out of time I had to watch some faggot singing in his church on some Facebook thing too the other day it just made me sick let these two sodomites get up and sing a song and then you could tell the guy's queers a four dollar bill when he's up there he's just like you know hi you know oh man it's disturbing I'll show it to you after the service of it's disgusting you know that he'd let those people in there how do you not know and then all the people in the church are like oh that was so great that was so good what was the name of the song where me God is Josh God is the best that was a song it was just like God is the best God is the best it was a it was a freak show faggots fest in that church and how the heck are you gonna let some fag get up and sing a song and then let another one just talk in the services it was it's an abomination let those people in your church number three we will be hated by our closest relatives and friends get used to it my wife reminded me of the time when I first got saved and how much my friends really just tried hard to zero in on me I mean they would literally say you're not gonna you know this isn't gonna work your wife's brainwashing you the pastor's brainwashing you you know it's all just a big brain you know come with us come with us they actually showed up some of my friends showed up into my house at two o'clock in the morning one time to try to get me away from my wife yeah I mean the devil's boy was saved and so there I used to have a lot of wicked friends and they wanted me so they wanted me to not do this so you know to be a Christian to live the life they were trying to pull me back into the world and you know what my family did the same exact thing and they'll all do it to you too and some of you have already gone through it some of you are going to go through it but you know what that's what Jesus said was gonna happen look at verse 21 in our text in Matthew chapter 10 it says and brother shall deliver up brother this is talking about your physical blood brother or whatever brother shall deliver up brother to death they'll actually literally turn you in to get you killed when that time comes they're already doing it around the world in other places you think that no other places are going through persecution as Christians there I'm sure there are we just don't know about it because you know what the media is not going to cover it the media is not going to cover up a Bible believing Christian that gets killed in some other Muslim country you think they're gonna go oh yeah the Muslim countries you think that they just have like free press like we do but even our free press is compromised they don't even tell the truth if they came here and filmed they probably say there was 12 people in the service today why do they care about our numbers so much because they want they want people to think that we're just this minuscule minority but we really are if you think about it how many churches how many pastors are actually ripping face and telling the truth about this kind of stuff it says brother shall deliver a brother to the death to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death I mean one of the people in our church didn't want to carve pumpkin have pumpkins carved with his kids and like there his dad doesn't want to talk to him anymore just over that I mean that's not I'm sure the verses were given about that like literally not to talk to your children and see your grandchildren anymore because you wouldn't let them carve pumpkins that's the division that comes and so would it really surprise you if your parent if your family members hate you everybody's muted you on Facebook like you're like why don't I ever seen my family's posts in Facebook because they've muted you that's why and Facebook is probably lost you down the wormhole and you're just like you're just posting verses to your friends they go to the same church as you do that's pretty much all that he sees what you're doing like I'm reaching the world through Facebook not really every I can't even call someone a piece of trash or whore anymore because instantly they ban you they got the AI now they can instantly ban you I'm in now I'm doing a hard time 30 days I really know I'm being persecuted for my faith just teasing but my my free speech has been lost isn't it funny how a big tech and just make people lose their free speech it's wicked but look don't be surprised when your family members and your friends hate you we're gonna be hated you know what all means means all right so I know the Calvinists have a difficult time with that but we're Baptist so it says that they shall cut their the rise children shall rise up against their own parents and cause them to be put to death number four the true reason why we're hated the truth the real truth of the matter it's not just because you're a Christian it's because of Christ look at verse 22 it says you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved it's talking about the tribulation it's not okay let me just stop right here it doesn't mean you have to endure and do all these works to the end to be saved this is talking about literally the people that are in the tribulation the Great Tribulation and if you're still alive when Jesus comes you're gonna get saved you're gonna not have to go through you know that torture if you make it to the end and you look up your redemption draw off nine and then you're gonna be changed in the moment and the twinkling of an eye well there and we should be ever with the Lord after that but it says you should be hated of all men for my name's sake whose namesake the Lord Jesus Christ that's why they hate you don't think it's because of you that's because of who you represent he sends us out as sheep he sounds sends us out as doves because that's how he went out and he's gonna they're gonna we're gonna be persecuted because of him says when they persecute you in this city flee into another for verily I say unto you should not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of Man become when they persecute you you don't have to just stay in the same place like if this place just got persecuted every day we couldn't operate in this town anymore I would just move our church to a different place like that's not biblical isn't it if this place becomes so reprobate that we can't even operate here why would you stay in a place that's reprobate yeah you know lot lot you know he seemed to enjoy it just fine but the Bible actually does say he was vexed in his righteous soul day to day and seen and hearing their unlawful deeds seen and hearing their unlawful deeds so if it ever comes to the point where I can't walk anywhere around here or we can't do anything around here without seen and hearing their unlawful deeds I'm pulling up the stakes and I'm gonna move to Texas or something I don't know Idaho Hawaii no not Hawaii but some place where it's receptive someplace where people still want to hear not a place where nobody ever wants to hear anymore and it's the persecution that would drive us in that direction it says that when they persecute you flee into another city doesn't say fight doesn't say pull out your AR it says to flee if they persecuted us then I'll person if they persecuted Jesus they're gonna persecute us that's that's the that's the world we live in that's what you chose to be in and if you're not being persecuted there's something wrong with you I'm not saying you have to be persecuted at all times I'm just saying if you never ever receive persecution from anybody nobody ever hates you nobody's ever mad at you then you might be a Joel Osteen convert God's not mad at you but that's the type of that's what these Baptist preachers want is they want to be like Joel Osteen except for say they're independent say they're fundamental oh I'm independent I'm fundamental I'm King James only but I just don't preach certain parts of it that's what there are that's what they are and like you saw Charles Lawson four years after he said that Sodomites should be put to death he's like I've always wanted to home over my church I'll roll out the red carpet I mean that is a double-minded man so in John chapter 15 turn to John chapter 15 I know I'm running over what else is new John chapter 15 Bible says in verse 18 if the world hate you you know that it hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love his own because you're not of this of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you why is the world hate you because Jesus has chosen us out of the world we're not of the world so if you're worldly you're not gonna get persecuted you can be saved and be worldly but you're not gonna the people aren't gonna hate you because you're doing the same things that they're doing it says remember the word that I said unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also but all these things will they do unto you for my sake because they know not him that sent me if I had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin but now they have no cloak for their sin that's what people don't like if we don't come and tell people if I don't preach that people hey this is a sin if you don't tell other people in your life that there is you know if you tell people in their life that there is that they're in sin they don't have a cloak for anymore they know what that sin is people want to be ignorant the darkness hates the light so it says if I had not done among them the works which no other man did they had not had sin but now they have both seen and hated both me and my father so they saw the works they saw the light they saw the righteousness but they said hey I still want to be in darkness I don't want what you have you can do all the lifestyle evangelism you want but some people are never gonna want what you have so quit trying that stupid route obviously you want to live godly in Christ Jesus and show people you know I've I've been changed by the Lord or whatever but that's not what gets people saved it's the Word of God all right but people are more willing to listen to you if you're holy right this is but this cometh the past that the word might be fulfilled that is written in the book or in the law they hated me without a cause people will just hate you without a cause but there's some prerequisites to it why do they hate why did they hate Jesus he did good things he fed the 5,000 he walked on water he raised Lazarus from the dead he healed blind people he hid healed deaf people he raised people's only sons from the dead why would you hate someone like that yeah because their deeds are evil that's why verse 24 Matthew let's go back there real quick says the disciples not above his master nor the servant above his Lord it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his Lord if they called the master of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his household they called Jesus the devil they said he was doing his miracles by the power of the devil so what are they gonna say about you I mean I don't know how it gets worse than being called the devil himself but it says how much more shall they call them of his household they're gonna say all manner of evil things about you they say all manner of evil things about the Lord and they're gonna say evil things about you second Timothy 2 or verse 3 earth chapter 3 verse 11 says persecutions afflictions which came unto me at Antioch and at Iconium at Lystra this is the Apostle Paul talking what persecutions I endured but of them all the Lord delivered me yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution once someday if you're living godly in Christ Jesus you're gonna suffer persecution it's gonna happen and it's not always someone trying to bomb your house or something like that it can come in many different forms but if you're living godly in Christ Jesus you're gonna you're gonna go through persecution so why aren't the Baptist the other Baptist churches going through any persecution I don't understand it you know why because they're not living godly in Christ Jesus that's why they're not preaching the truth from their pulpit anymore it's fluff central grace let me let's go through another series this year we're gonna go and do this again because I don't think you all got it another 52 week series of grace that's what they do well they talk they just talk about things that are just aren't aren't gonna persecute them hey they got the gay thing out of the way now they just let them in okay what hey you should just be nice to them you should just be nice my favorite part of the movie yesterday was the part one Sam or John gets is up he knows the Bible he has like he brags that he has like 10,000 verses memorized in the Bible oh you don't know the one about Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 he says be nice that everybody deserves respect Pastor Anderson's response was you faggot and even if he isn't he's defending them so don't be surprised when your family's against you when you're being persecuted because the Bible says but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse it doesn't say they're gonna get better and better we don't believe in amillennialism the world's gonna get worse and worse not better and better deceiving and being deceived that's what the cycle is they deceive they get deceived it's just a vicious cycle of just lies the haters of God want us to be afraid number five but we should only have fear of God we'll get back to your text it says fear them not therefore for there's nothing covered that can be revealed and hid that shall not be known what I tell you in darkness that speak in the light what you hear in the ear that preach you upon the housetops and fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell people fear the wrong people Christians fear the wrong people Jesus saying hey don't fear the wrong people fear the right person God because he's the one that can cast people into hell he's the one that can kill the soul hey that's the person you should fear because he has power over all these principalities and powers are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your father but the very hairs of your head are all numbered if you're God's child he knows exactly how many hairs you have on your head and probably on your beard and in your armpits or whatever but well it's just for the sake of not getting gruesome here your hair he knows the ones I've lost he knows the word of their thinning I'm hoping he's counting the ones from before going into male pattern pattern baldness but I don't know for sure but he does know this how many hairs are on each head isn't that funny how you know it talks about the you know Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Bendigo how when they went the fiery furnace their hair didn't even get touched says fear not very not therefore you're of more value than many sparrows whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him while I confess also before my father which is in heaven but whosoever shall deny me before men him while I also deny before my father which is in heaven so hey this is not the time to say you know what I don't want anything to do with this anymore churches are getting bombed I'm afraid we're not supposed to fear them it says fear them not therefore our hairs are numbered on our head and you know what that means that those hair will be restored even if you get blown up all your hair gets back same place hopefully more for me but I don't know I mean I I'll be bald in the kingdom of heaven I don't care number six he didn't bring peace but a sword verse 34 think not that I'm come to send peace on the earth I came not to send peace but a sword you're like well he's the Prince of Peace though yeah but that peace is in the future right now is the battle for the hearts and the minds and the souls of the planet says think not that I'm come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword for I'm come to set a man at variance against his father if you're saved and your father's not guess what there's not gonna be peace no matter how hard you try there's not gonna be peace for I am come to set a man a variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household sometimes it's even within the family unit itself that there's division that's a sword that's fighting that's that's things that are going wrong in your life but that's what Jesus said he said I didn't come to bring peace I came to bring a sword I came to bring the vision what are we supposed to be divided from from the world from the wickedness of this world he the love of his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he the love of this son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me if your son or daughter or cousin or Siamese twin ends up being a fag have nothing to do with them if you love them more than you love God then you're not right with God he's not gonna bless your life that's a bad picture to show other people he that findeth his life shall lose it he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it have you lost your life today I mean I'm talking about in a spiritual way your old life have you lost that life today I hope so because it says if you lose your life you're gonna find it you're gonna find a better life in Christ Jesus and if you lose your life in the flesh for his sake you're gonna find it so even if we do get killed even if we do get hurt even if you know we get persecuted to the maximum we're still gonna be in heaven so there's nothing to fear there's not I mean we fear sometimes and everybody fears sometimes but don't let this strike at your heart and make you afraid because that's what the reprobates want that's what the wolves want that's what the world wants that's what the people in high places New York Times all these other fake media outlets that's what president you're President Biden not my hair sniffer I'm gonna read you last one last verse Romans 12 19 and here's the thing that's most important that we got to understand about all this stuff look it gets us mad it gets us fired up but the Bible says dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath give place unto wrath it's not the same thing that I was talking about earlier for his written vengeance is mine I will repay sayeth the Lord God's got this and it doesn't say I'm my repay no I will repay those people that bombed pastor me he is Church the other night you know what God's gonna repay them that's when he doesn't have to lift the finger all the mighty men of God down there and the mighty women of God down there at that church they don't have to lift the finger you know because God has it he's gonna avenge them and he's gonna bring them to not he's gonna destroy them and whether it happens 90 years from now all eternity in hell God's got this we don't have to fight back that's that's the great thing about it's not like we have to just get killed and nothing ever happens to the people that do it to us no something's about to happen something's about to happen they're gonna be destroyed yeah it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God the Bible says we're gonna be hated the Bible says we're gonna be persecuted but you know what we're supposed to just take it like chance and realize you know that he's gonna destroy the wicked and we're gonna wash our feet in the blood of the wicked the Bible says which sounds kind of gross but it's just true and we know well even though things come at us all these darts are thrown at us and we're in these churches that are so radical God's got us and hey if we're being persecuted to know this we must be saying something right we must be doing something right let's pray Lord we thank you so much for the Bible and for men of God that will stand up and preach the truth even though it hair lips every dog in town what I pray you'd help our church help us to not be afraid even though all these things are happening around us I especially pray today for Pastor Mejia and his family and Lord the church family down there Lord I pray that the people that did this would be brought to justice and Lord you'd repay him to their face for what they've done and Lord I pray that everything would be stronger and even better and that Lord lots of people would see the truth of what the sodomites really are and the Lord maybe they would turn away from their loving of the LGBT community and knowing that you hate them Lord and Lord maybe some people would be saved just as a result of all seeing all these things happen I pray Lord that you bless the film that Pastor Shelley put out the sodomite deception I pray that you would just use that film to wake up people and even if it just wakes up ten people it's all worth it and Lord we pray you bless us as we go out and even if we get persecuted Lord that we just continue to serve you Lord in Jesus name we pray amen 393 in your blue hymnal sing our last song page 393 a mighty fortress is our God page 393 mighty fortress is our God sing it out on the first verse a mighty fortress is our God a ball work never failing our helper he amid the flood a mortal is prevailing for still our ancient foe does seek to work us whoa his craft and power are great and darn with cruel hey on earth is not his equal did we in our own strength confide our striving would be losing we're not the right man on our side the man of God's own choosing dust ask who that may be Christ Jesus it is he Lord Sabaoth his name from age to age the same and he must win the battle and though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us we will not fear for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us the prince of darkness grim we tremble not for him his rage we can endure for lo his doom is sure one little word shall fail him on the last that word of above all earthly powers no thanks to them abideth the spirit in the kiss ours through him who with us I did let goods and Kendrick go this mortal life also the body they may kill God's truth abide is still his kingdom is for ever magazine everyone like to see you out someoneing back here at 3 30 for evening service brother Justin you want to end this one with a word of prayer