(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It says, We are of God and knoweth that God heareth us. He that is not of God heareth not us, hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. So as Christians, we should be able to look at the public school system and say, they have the spirit of error. Their spirit is of error. Even the foundational things that they teach, the rudiments of man are wrong. They've seen this evolution garbage. Basically they're trying to overthrow your child's faith at the very beginning of their education. What is the first thing that you read in a dinosaur book written to kids? Billions of years ago. Millions of years ago, right? Right there they're trying to take these cute little dinosaurs, well they're not cute, the velociraptors are kind of mean looking, but they try to soften it up for the kids, like Land Before Time and all that stuff, like Little Foot or whatever, but sing little songs and other dinosaurs, anyway. But what do they do? Even in that movie, The Land Before Time, the first thing it says is millions of years ago. Trying to just indoctrinate your kids from the very get-go about that. So we have to learn to discern the spirits as Christians and the spirit of the public school system is easy to discern, that it's a spirit of error. Number one of the reasons why public schools should not exist, number one is public schools have taken the Bible, God's law, prayer, and Christ out of the schools. So when did God get expelled from school? God got expelled permanently. He got kicked out. Who went to public school in here? A lot of people, right? So you know when someone got expelled, that was a big deal, wasn't it? Like so Johnny got expelled because he got into his fifth fight or whatever. But God, you know why God got expelled? Because the public school system was overthrown by atheists. But the public school system was overthrown by wicked people with wicked intentions.