(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I just like seeing, you know, what some of this stuff represents and the spiritual aspects of the ark. And I kind of thought, well, it's kind of a picture of soul winning too. You know, you go two by two out of soul winning. And so when you go two by two, you have to be abiding in Christ also to bring forth fruit. You can't just do it on your own. And so these animals went two by two and where'd they go? Through the door of the ark, right? Which represents the Lord Jesus Christ and then you have to abide in him to bring forth fruit. These animals were brought forth to do what? Preserve seed upon the ark. And so, I don't know, I mean I might be stretching on that one. In the turn of Luke chapter 10 though, let's look at what the Bible says about how we're supposed to go out soul winning. I'm not a real big fan of going soul winning by yourself. I just think that God, that's how the Lord Jesus Christ sent out his apostles. And I think that, you know, if he in his infinite wisdom, and his wisdom is infinite, sent them two by two. Why do you do that? Well, because that's how you're gonna bring forth the most fruit apparently. Because wouldn't you have sent them out three by three or four by four? Now, why do you do a two by two? I think it has to do with the witness. I think it has to do with that. I think it has to do with, you know, we utilize silent partners. You know, and sometimes there's distractions that that other person can pick up and stop them from interrupting. Because, you know, you'd get interrupted a lot. But also, it is for a witness. Because someone can accuse one person of anything, can't they? And then it's their word against your word. And at least there's two witnesses to what happens. Because in this day and age people will accuse you of some weird stuff about like targeting LGBT doors with our cards. Does anybody even know if they were the one that put the card on their door? You know, I don't think that anybody knew because I think that the whole thing is a big fat lie. There wasn't a bunch of flags on that building or whatever house that was. I think it's a lie. So I think if someone knew that that was their, they were the ones that did that, they'd come and say, hey, I think it was it was me. You didn't do anything wrong. The only wrong thing you did is just put it on their door, you know, and it wasn't wrong to do that. You didn't know. But I think that it's important for us to have a witness with us. And so I don't like when people just go off by themselves and start knocking on the doors and leaving their soul and partner behind. I think it says about two by two for a reason. And so I think that that's the way we should do things. Look at Luke 10 verse 1. It says, after these things the Lord appointed others seventy also and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whether he himself would come. So he sent them out two and two to go preach the gospel to other people and then Jesus would come and preach to the town. So it says, therefore setting into them the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. So I do think that the two and two animals going into the ark, abiding in what would be Christ and then being sent forth after the ark was landed. And then they would bring forth fruit. They would preserve seed alive. I think it could be a picture of someone. Look at John chapter 15. John chapter 15. I have like an English-Spanish side-by-side right now. I was saying Juan. Juan chapter 15. All right, verse number one. I am the true vine and my father is the husband then. Every branch and me that beareth not fruit he taketh away. Every branch that beareth fruit he purgetheth it, that it might bring forth more fruit. Now you're a queen through the word which I've spoken unto. Abide in me and I in you. So where do the animals abide? On the ark, right? And so that represents what? The salvation of God. Abiding in Christ. Who was in the boat? Who told them to come into the ark? God did, right? God was in the ark with them. It says abide me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine. No more can ye except ye abide in me. What would have happened to the animals if they would have went out of the ark? What happened to the people? They would have died. So that's a, I mean, I think it's a fair picture. John chapter 15 verse 5. I am the vine, you're the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me you can do nothing. And that's a picture just for us to know, hey, if you can do everything you want in your own power, but you need to be abiding in Christ to really bring forth fruit. And so if you leave that safety of the Lord Jesus Christ, if you try to do things on your own, you're not going to be able to do without Christ. So we say, yeah, we got somebody saved, but you know, God's willing to save them. We led them to Christ. You know, we don't have any power to save except for the fact that we use God's word just to get people saved. His word preached from our lips is bringing them Christ. Christ saves them. We're partners in that deal with them. Right, so we do save people. It's just, you know, people freak out when you say that. But if we would have never went to that door, if we would have never talked to that person, guess what? They weren't going to get saved. And so yes, we do partner with God. We are the husband men that he's left to work in the vineyard, right?