(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I saw a video this last week and there's everybody knows about the wildfires are going on in California I was thinking about this this morning just just been in my brain about this lady that I saw driving through the wildfires in California saying please God please help me please help me God please get me through this please and she's just over and over again just calling upon God to help her and I don't know if that lady was saved or not you know when you're in deep trouble the first person you're gonna call in is God because really people know that he does exist there's no atheists in the foxholes you know if when you're getting bombed you know you're calling out to somebody and it's the God that you you know you're gonna call out to God hopefully she was saved I hope she was but watching her drive through that fire man I was that's so scary I mean these fires there's amper like she's going through tunnels on this highway and she's like please God please please at the end of the tunnel all there is is fireballs coming down on top of her like tree branches and stuff falling on her car and she's just calling out to God to save her well you know if you're saved in this room you don't have to face those fireballs in the lake of fire but some people are some people are going to and that's a that was a scary thing but you know she called upon God and I hope the lady was saved I mean I hope she gets saved I hope that's that's a lesson to anybody when you go through something like that and you walk out not believing in God there's something wrong with you because she did make it to safety and that is the cool story there you know what a testimony to God you know that she didn't get killed in the fire you know God saved her I mean if it wasn't spiritually he saved her physically you know and she went straight through that thought those you know I she's honking to people because people are literally getting out of their cars stopping their cars and trying to run for safety and then what happens to the people behind them well they're stuck so you know that we need to pray for those people down in California that are going through this I mean Sacramento they had to cancel their soul in this this weekend because the smog and smoke is so bad down there so now is that the judgment of God well I think it could be I think it could be but I don't think that everybody that's getting this that's you know getting burned and all that stuff and they're losing their stuff is getting judged it's just the judgment of God sweeps God judges with fire I mean there's no doubt about that but do I think that ever that that town deserved to be burned down I don't know I don't I don't necessarily think so you know it's not like it was San Francisco now if it was San Francisco that burned to the ground I would definitely believe that was the judgment of God