(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) God's looking for people that will just say, yes, you know, a man, and then a wife that'll get behind that man. And all I'm saying is that, like, this is what I come across when people are saying, hey, pastor, can we start a church here or whatever? Look, there needs to be a man that's willing to do it, okay? And there needs to be a woman that'll stand behind that man. And there needs to be a group of people. And here's what happens is that people will say, yeah, we got like 60 people. And then, like, really there's like five or six and none of their wives show up. It's like, you know, don't just say that there's 60 people when there really isn't. Just be realistic about it. But you can gather people from other areas and still be a big soloing group, but, you know, get a group together and then just keep going.