(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let the word of Christ dwell and you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another and in psalms and hymns and Spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart to the Lord. Who are we singing to? What are we singing to our neighbors so that that you know, we are singing to our neighbors But it's us seen together in one accord and who are we supposed to be singing to we're supposed to be singing to God with grace in our hearts being thankful for the things that he gives us being thankful to him for our salvation And all the benefits that he gives us turn to Ephesians chapter 5 verse 17 Ephesians 5 verse 17 So the Bible commands us this isn't just a suggestion Hey, you know, I'd really if you feel like it, you know, go ahead and sing some songs to me No, God commands it over and over through the Bible There's so many verses on this that I can't even possibly put it in the sermon, but I just kind of went for the the main ones Ephesians 5 17 says wherefore be not unwise But understanding what the will of the Lord is and be not drunk with wine wearing his excess But be filled with the Spirit now How do you get filled with the Spirit in verse 19 says speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs? Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs not CCM not Christian rap, which is crap not Country Western John 3 16 or whatever a stupid song, you know Look that if you're if they're talking about drinking beer and how they met Jesus in the first in the same song That's wickedness and we're not singing that kind of song in this church That's When I drank my first beers how I found Jesus come on And people just love that stupid song, but I'll tell you what it's wicked as hell. It teaches a wrong message So it says giving thanks in verse 20 giving Thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God and God spells it out for Psalms hymns spiritual songs And songs about drinking beer are not spiritual songs Okay songs about how you have to work hard to get to heaven where I come from. It's cornbread and chicken Look, I like cornbread and chicken but working your way to heaven is not how you get saved And so those songs are wicked just because it says God doesn't mean it's a good song