(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So anyway, let's look at Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 It says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is Because because for some people the manner is to skip church But what's it say it says but exhorting one another and that word exhorting means to strongly encourage Or urge someone to do something it means to strongly encourage Encourage or urge someone to do something So guess what? You can't strongly urge or encourage someone to do something if you're not even here So if you can be here be here don't be lazy don't be like oh I need some family time You know what? God Might just take his wrath out on your family if you're deciding to just skip church for no reason look at verse 26 It says for if we sin willfully after that we've received the knowledge of the truth there may remaineth no more Sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful looking of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries So God would devour his adversaries But hey, make sure that you're not making yourself an enemy of God also because you can do that God Punishes the righteous also now he's not going to point us to to wrath where we go to hell He's never going to send a child of God to hell, but he will you know bring some heat in your life And if your manner is to skip church And you're putting up your family members as an idol in front of him think about that You shall serve no other gods, but me So if you're serving your family over God and guess what he's not going to be happy about that You're like well does the Bible say that you have to go to church three times a week No but you know at this church we have three services a week and the Bible says and So much the more as you see the day approaching not so much the less Not skip out. Hey, if you want to go to a church that has one service a week There's plenty of churches in this town that you can go to they have one service a week And you know what it's dead as a door now guaranteed or some worship and praise thing We get together there for 45 minutes, and we sing songs, and it's just so spirit-filled It's not spirit-filled because those songs are garbage And then some pastor gets up and his whole week. He's been preparing for this message. That's 15 minutes long We got guys in our church. I can't even keep a 10-minute sermon because they just have so much to say And you stick any any of the guys that preach in our church in one of those pulpits And it would knock their socks off Well, they get up and say a bunch of inspirational stuff. It's like going to what's that guy's name? He's the real popular motivational speaker Tone, huh Tony Robbins is it Tony Robbins. Hey, you know there's Tony Robbins You can go to hit you can go to him and listen to his you know motivational speeches if that's what you want But it sure foundation Baptist Church. We have three services a week Why because we want to help you we want to edify you we want to exhort you to? Do so much the more we want to provoke you to love and good works we want to Have fellowship with fellow believers because you know what it could be very lonely When you're a believer and you have no place of fellowship You know there's a lot of churches out there that as soon as the service is over everybody's gone like within five minutes You know we need a fellowship and our church does fellowship, but hey if you're the one that's Running out the door as soon as the service is over. Maybe you need to have some fellowship Maybe you should stay and and maybe sometimes you can't but maybe you should stay for fellowship because it's very important to fellowship with other Believers because if all you fellowship is with people of the world and people that don't go to church They're gonna drag you down They're gonna drag you down