(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But isn't that what it is? It's like let's replace the free gift of God's grace the free gift of salvation With a workspace you better be good for goodness sake because Santa Claus is coming to town You're not going to get any presents if you're not good You know cuz aren't you earning that gift then? Isn't that just totally the opposite of what the Bible teaches about salvation? Is that you know that's what but that's what people think when we go to people's doors. What do they think? Oh, I just got to be a good person. I got a little good life I got a big you know I got to do good to my neighbor fall after Jesus And they just list all the works that they think that they have to do to be saved But what's the Bible teach for by grace? Are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast So God's grace is not given to us Because of we're a good boy or girl or not. Yeah, that's not how it works The good doesn't outweigh the bad But see that's what the world wants you to think That's what we're trained from the moment from a child to believe in why do you think so many people believe even kids believe it? Because they I mean I honestly think that it's possible that Santa Claus and the Christmas story could be Almost a hundred percent responsible for why people believe in a workspace salvation salvation I mean, I can't prove that so I'm not stating as a definitive fact But when you teach kids that they have to be good to get good to get a gift that's not that's not free So I wonder if that's why people get hung up on the free gift part Because they think well I had to be good to get this present You know mommy and daddy said I had to go to bed It's the right time you stayed up late watching for Santa Claus when they told you no, I'm just kidding anyway So, but if you're bad, what do you get in your in your in your stocking a bag of coal, right? So that's what supposedly you know this modern Christmas story teaches