(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But I'll tell you what, it doesn't matter how many people walk in this door from our soul-winning efforts, it matters that we're doing what God said to do, and that's how he builds his church. I'll tell you what, he's just going to keep sending people here, and this church is just going to get bigger and bigger, and that's how it happened in Vancouver. We had 22 people that we started out with. Not very much more than what you guys had to start out with. And here we are two years later, and we're running 100, and you know what? Most of those people didn't come from the soul-winning efforts that we did. Where did they come from? I don't know. God just built the church. God builds the church. I don't know why. I don't know how. It doesn't make sense. What makes sense to the stuff-shirt people that say soul-winning doesn't work, that don't go soul-winning, is that, well, everybody that you get saved should come to church and get baptized that very day. It just doesn't work like that. I mean, Phil, the Ethiopian eunuch, where did he go? We don't know. He probably went and got other people saved. But, you know, there wasn't a lot of follow-up. Phil got taken away in a whirlwind. You know what I mean? So we just see that powerful story in the scriptures, and we know that God said he's going to build his church, you know, and that's the way it is. Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain to build it. So we are trying to have quality here, not quantity. There's a lot of quality people that I've met here so far, and I hope you're excited that you have a great church to go to.