(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Children will stay up late to try to get a glimpse of Santa Claus bringing their presents to them. Whoever stayed up really late trying to wait and see if you can see Santa Claus? Yeah, because your parents all lied to you too, right? Yeah, mine did too. So children all over the world are lied to by their parents and family and told them that a man named Santa Claus brings them presents on Christmas Day. Now what's wrong with dad working hard and saying, hey your dad worked real hard got these presents for you and put them under the tree but no instead we make up lies to lie to our children to deceive them into believing that somebody's real that really isn't. How wicked is it to discard the true meaning of Christmas and replace it with some commercialized covetous holiday based upon lies? How wicked is that? How wicked is it to replace the true story of the birthday celebration of Christ Jesus into the world with an imposter named Santa Claus? How wicked is that? It's super wicked. Jesus is the one that deserves the honor and the glory. He's the one that knows when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake, right? Santa Claus doesn't know that. The Bible says in Luke 2 verse 11 it says, for unto you is born this day in the city of David as Savior which is Christ the Lord. That's who we're supposed to be looking up to. That's the one we're supposed to be telling our kids about. He's the one that gives us all the gifts. It's not some fat guy in a red costume that drinks coca-cola that you leave milk and cookies for.