(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So just like the nation of Israel was a sinful nation, then the nation of America or the United States is Also a sinful nation and a people laden with iniquity What does that mean that like they're just you know cover it when you say? Heavy laden with sins like you're weighed down with them. It says the people laden with iniquity It's just this is all over them a seed of evildoers children that are corruptors Why do you think we want to take have people homeschooled in our church not at our church? But you know in their own homes Because the children in these public schools are corruptors you think your children's gonna are gonna come out unscathed Go into a public school. They're not they're gonna see things that they should never see at school They're gonna hear things that they should never have to hear at school they're going to try to get an education and then all these heathen parents are bringing their kids and Teaching them who knows what and then they're becoming I mean you know where I heard all my jokes my bad jokes growing up The school you know where I heard all the colorful cuss words that I learned growing up from school And I you know I don't think that our kids should should have to deal with that Hopefully they're not hearing those colorful words at home too often You know our houses the places that we live should be a place of security a place of safety The word we don't have to hear and see all that garbage But it says they have forsaken the Lord and that provoked the Holy One of Israel to angry or angry angry anger They're gone away backward look at verse 5. It says why should you be stricken anymore? You will revolt more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart is faint God's like why should I keep beating you you're just you're just you're done. You're toast you'll revolt revolt more and more I mean I think about the wildfires that happened all over Does that stop California from trying to legislate all this weird stuff? No has it stopped, Oregon and Washington from legislating all this weird stuff that they're doing It's like the states are in competition to who can who can have the weirdest laws coming upon I? Mean the Republicans had to walk out and leave Salem and not come back until the session was over so they wouldn't pass like the worst Carbon emission thing ever in the country or if you had a 2007 diesel you had to turn it in it's not allowed to be on the roads anymore I mean, they're just getting crazy with all this stuff