(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, you know, there's some people that are little in age here. I see lots of little children here. But you know, turn over to Matthew chapter 19. So God can use people that are little in age just like He can use people that are little in stature. He can use people that are little in age, He can use people that are teenagers. All the teenagers at our church are soul winners. And we send them out week by week and they get people saved. I'm glad that they're going to do greater works than I've ever done. They've already gotten more people saved at the age they're at now than I ever. I didn't even get saved until I was 25. I'm trying to redeem the time here. I'm no spring chicken. I'm 44. I think I'm the oldest pastor, you know, in our group of friends here or whatever. I think Pastor Perry is number two, right? Number two? Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to call you out like that, but anyway. So Matthew chapter 19 verse 13 says, Then there were brought unto Him little children, that He should put His hands on them and pray, and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. So you know, the disciples were like, ah, get these kids out of here. But Jesus is like, no, bring them unto Me. Bring them unto Me. And what happens, we can get kids saved way easier than we get anybody else. And once they get saved, they're not useless. They're not someone that we should shoo away. We need to teach them how to go soul winning, just like we go soul winning. And I know that I'm sure everybody here brings their kids soul winning, but maybe you don't. Maybe you think it's a hassle, but I'll tell you what, once they're in line, once you've got them trained, they're going to be your little army that goes out and goes soul winning with you every week. And when you see your children win their first person to the Lord, you're going to praise the Lord for the fact that you took them out and trained them to go soul winning. And I'll tell you what, they're not going to grow up and regret it. Your kids are going to be glad that they got to go out soul winning. And they got to see what this world's really like. See, churches like this church right here are sending out people every week going soul winning. How many other churches are doing that around here? I mean, I don't know the churches around here, but are they sending them out like we're sending them out? Probably not. With childrens, you know, little children, you know, our little army of children, you know, our children probably give a better gospel presentation than some of the people in these churches. And that's the truth. That's the truth. That's sad for them, but that's good for us.