(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) First Corinthians chapter 10 verse 22. It says do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he all things are lawful to me, but all things are not Expedient and expedient means suitable or appropriate So not everything is appropriate for us to do not everything, you know, there's things called manners and sometimes our manners You know, it might not be wrong for us to have certain mannerisms that we do But it could be offensive to other people and so it might not be the best thing to do It says all things are lawful for me But all things edify not and edify means to improve somebody morally or intellectually not everything that we do You know, it says all things are lawful But not all things are good for us to do basically not all things are suitable or appropriate at that time now Look at verse 24. It says let no man seek his own but every man another's wealth Whatsoever is sold in the shambles that eat Asking no conscience for conscience sake so what you know, you're you're say you're soul winning or you're in another town You're trying to reach people for Christ and it says whatever sold there that eat asking no question for conscience sake What is that saying? Well, a lot of the meats back then were probably sacrificed under idols Now if you don't want to get in trouble or you don't want to do something wrong Then don't ask this is don't as asking no questions for conscience sake So if it's been sacrificed under idols and you don't know that and you eat it, you're fine So, I mean that might not make sense, but that's the truth because you don't know So don't ask any questions about it and then you're fine If you go to the Chinese buffet and little Buddha's over there with the orange peel in his hand and a bowl of rice You don't go up and go hey, did you sacrifice all this stuff to Buddha? You know just eat the Chinese food or whatever And you'll be fine. It's just don't ask so And it says for the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and we're his children Amen, it says if any of them that believe not bid you to a feast and he'd be disposed to go So they bid you they say hey we come over for dinner and it says whatsoever is set before you eat Asking no question for conscience sake so just eat what's put before you don't be rude Don't say is this sacrifice unto idols? Did you use kosher salt on this? Is this halal meat by any chance? Just don't ask, you know, and you're okay But see the difference is is when you know that it is and you eat anyway Okay, look at verse 28 says but if any man saying to you this is offered in sacrifice Onto idols he flat-out just tells you right Eat not for his sake that showed it and for conscience sake for the earth is Lord's and the fullness thereof Conscience I say not thine own but of the other for why is my liberty judge of another man's conscience? So but it's saying don't eat it For conscience sake don't eat it because you know It is and that that person if that person's a believer or an unbeliever Either way, you're gonna offend that person if you eat that meat and we're like, I can't believe he's eating meat sacrifice unto idols so And my and you might ask this question. Well, is it morally wrong to eat meat sacrifice unto idols false gods? Or as there really are devils is it morally wrong to do that and my answer to that I believe it is so