(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) James 4-4 says he adulterous, and adulterous is, know ye not that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. So if you think that, you know, I'm gonna leave this double life, you know, I'm gonna hang out with my friends outside of church, and when I come, I'm gonna act all Christian, right? But what's the Bible say that you're, if you are a friend of the world, then you're an enemy of God. You wanna be an enemy of God? I mean, I don't think anybody in their right mind wants to be an enemy of God. Because God, he's way more scary than the devil is to me. I mean, I wanna fear the Lord, and I wanna serve him, and I wanna worship him in spirit and truth. Turn to 2 Chronicles 19, verse two. 2 Chronicles 19, verse two, this is, probably should be in your new IFB manual of great verses that we love, right? 2 Chronicles 19, verse two. Bible says, And Jehu, the son of Hanani, the seer, went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. Now, I've heard this preached a lot of times, I've preached this verse a lot of times, but the Bible says, should we help the ungodly? Who, what's he talking about here? Well, Jehoshaphat has made a league with Ahab, one of the most wicked kings that ever lived in Israel. And he's making confederate with his family, and marrying his son to their daughter, and it's a wicked thing. And God is very angry with him about this. Now, Jehoshaphat was a saved man, he was a good king. But here's a picture of someone being, trying to unequally yoke with someone that he shouldn't be yoking up with. And so God actually sends a prophet to him, and says, shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? But what do you see today in Christianity? You see a bunch of people that are making friendships with people that hate God. You got all these fag-protecting pastors, these pastors are like, please come to our church, we love you, we're gonna kiss your feet. And they put these rainbow flags up, you know in Portland, where I'm from, that pretty much every church has a rainbow flag hanging off of it? And you know, I don't wanna divulge the film, but there's a part where it just kinda shows like a couple churches like that, but that's how all the churches are there. I mean, imagine, you know, you probably wouldn't wanna go downtown Portland and look at the church buildings down there, because they have fag flag draped on every part of it. But you know what, God's saying here that we should not love those people that hate him. I mean, that should be pretty plainly obvious. But you know, things have changed. Things have changed, but you know what, they're not changing in this church. And they're not gonna change in my church. I'm not gonna change a thing. Fag lovers and friends of false prophets have wrath upon them, and those people hate the Lord. So don't be friends with them. Don't be friendly toward them. If you've got a queer cousin, shut them. Don't have anything to do with them. Don't show them love, because all you're doing is just compromising at that point. Just like Jehoshaphat was compromising in this situation. And so we should not be friends with not only someone that's not saved, but someone that hates God. Don't buy your fag sister a Christmas present this year. Shun them, have nothing to do with them. They hate God, they hate the God that you love. So don't be friends with them. Don't show them love. Don't do nice things for them. You should completely shun them out of your life and have absolutely zero to do with them. Even if it's your Siamese twin, all right? Don't be friends with fags, all right? Don't love them, don't love false prophets. Hey, if someone says that God didn't die, I don't want to be friends with that pastor anymore! Yeah, right!