(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, that we're supposed to enjoy our life in Christ. We're supposed to enjoy the life we have. It shouldn't be miserable. Like, oh, the Christians don't have any fun. I do. I hope you do. And if you're not having fun in the Christian life, then you need to change something. Says in Philippians 4-11, it says, not that I speak in respect of want, for I have learned. So it's something Paul learned. In whatsoever state I am, therewith to be, what's it say there? Content. That means whatever's going on in his life, he's content. And people say, well, you're just content with too much stuff going on, whatever. You should be. That's what Paul said, right? Not that I speak in respect of want. He doesn't care about those things. He doesn't care about the material world. He doesn't care about all the problems that he has being the apostle Paul, the off scouring of the world.