(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Some people just need to be withstood to the face and say, hey, you need to take down your American pride down a couple notches, all right? And look, I love this country and the fact that I love the people, I want them to be saved, but do I hang my hat at the end of the day on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Founding Fathers? No, and I haven't for a long time. I don't know if I ever have, but I definitely don't now. So one thing that has always irritated me with Baptist churches is the Yankee Doodle Dandy apple pie eating flag worshiping total devotion to the USA that they express in their church services by bringing in politicians and police chiefs and fire department and all this other stuff. And they're just like, oh, you know, the flags waving in their church building. Hey, look, I'm not gonna worship a flag. I'm not gonna pledge allegiance to a flag. I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ and Him only am I gonna serve. It just goes beyond the love of people in this country. And in some cases, just pure bootlicking and plain old fashioned idolatry and worship of men. It's not the truth. It's not the truth. And so I think that this people standing with the Founding Fathers crap needs to be addressed. And hey, if you're gonna get mad at me, get mad, but listen to the words that they say, okay? Listen to what they're saying and listen to what the Bible says this morning. And I'm gonna try to keep my opinions out of it as much as possible. But is it okay if I have an opinion about something? If my opinion matches up with the word of God and matches up with what these men are saying, I'm gonna let them condemn themselves this morning. And so you can judge for yourself whether the Founding Fathers were reprobates or not, okay? And so let's look back at Colossians chapter two, verse number six. Looks, you're already there. It says, and as ye have therefore received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk ye in him. Not the Founding Fathers, but in him, okay? Verse number seven, rooted and built up in him, not in the Constitution, not in the Bill of Rights. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy in vain deceit after the tradition of men and not after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. Again, not the Bill of Rights, not world government. It's in Christ that we're supposed to be rooted and grounded in. We're supposed to receive Christ and then walk in him. Okay, we're not supposed to receive Thomas Jefferson and walk in his ways, all right? Look, this world is not our home. We're passing through, we're pilgrims. We're a spiritual nation that just happens to be born into the physical nation of the United States. So don't get all crazy with your patriotism because patriotism is not in the Bible.