(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) it says and suffered many things of many physicians so she didn't just she got second opinions it sounds like she got other she's like this doctor's garbage I'm gonna go to this doctor I'm gonna go to dr. Quincy or whatever it says and spent all that she had and you know what the bamboozle thing is of the doctors these days is that they'll drain your bank account and you'll still not be better there's nothing new under the Sun today they do it they probably did it back then it says that they took everything that she had you know what she wasn't any better it says it was nothing better but rather grew worse see some doctors they're just that you know why they call it a practice because they're practicing on you because they don't know what to do some doctors google their the the symptoms and then and then go off of that that's scary they went to school for eight years or whatever and then they come out and they google your symptoms I mean they it does happen so I went to the doctor last week and I had a doctor who was an older man and he was very thorough very professional told me everything I needed to know and I was I walked out of there happy when I went to the doctor in Hawaii when I had you know my sickness when I was over there they were very professional they took care of me and they gave me what I needed to get better so there's I think that there's there's also been times that I've been mistreated at the doctor's office so and I don't necessarily go to Indian shamans or anything like that I don't go to witches for healing crystals or anything like that so I don't know what that part of healthcare is like but I do know what going to the doctor's office is like and I really hate going to the doctors I hate it with a passion but hey when you get so sick that you know something's wrong and you need to get in and fix it I go to the doctor okay so but there's a lot of bamboozling going on that means the fool or cheat someone out and this woman had been fooled and cheated out of her money and suffered many things of these physicians and didn't get any better she got worse