(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, something we need to remember is the point number one is that they're children, okay? And I'm going to continue with point number one. We look at biblical parenting, teens. Point number one, teens are children. And with that, children don't need to date. Can anyone tell me why children need to be dating? Because what's the goal of dating? What's the goal of dating? See if someone's suitable for marriage, isn't it? Or is it just to have a bit of a laugh, a bit of fun and everything? No, it's to see if someone's suitable for marriage. That's the whole goal. Oh, no, no, no, brother Ian, you got it all wrong now. You got it all wrong because dating is something where they could, you know, let them have a bit of fun and get to know people, get to understand. No, no, I'm not comfortable sending my kids off to risk end up getting into fornication. How about that? Is that so bad of me? No, I don't want my kids to sleep around. What sort of a parent? I hope everyone here doesn't want their children to sleep around. But what are all the world's kids doing? Sleeping around. So something's going wrong, isn't it? And I'll tell you what it might be, it's trying to encourage children to date from young ages, right? Got a girlfriend. How many friends of the family will start saying that junk to your kids? Even young kids. It's sick, really, isn't it? Got a girlfriend. Got a boyfriend. What on earth? Why would my child have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? What what? What for what reason? Give me a reason. There's no reason is there. First Corinthians five and verse nine says, I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators. Verse 13 says, but them that are without God judges, therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. What do you think these teens are getting up to? Anyone anyone really wondering what are all these things? I'll tell you what they're getting up to fornication on a massive scale. Oh, they're just dating. It's just a teenage romance. No, it's not. It's wickedness. It's fornication. And I'll tell you what, you know, you know what? A lot of women, a lot of women are still emotionally scarred by their teenage romances. Their physical teenager, they're still emotionally scarred to this day by them. It's not just some Oh, well, yeah, well, it was just a bit of fun. No, it emotionally scars them. In fact, some of the men get emotionally scarred by it as well. All the issues with it, all the feelings of insecurity, all the other things are horrible breakups after something that that should be something for life. Yeah. It's an absolute mess out there. Titus 2 5 talks of teaching the young women to be chaste or pure. We're not going to turn there. Chaste or pure. Yeah, you know what that means. Yeah, that's what we should be teaching the young women to be. The Bible calls not being chaste or pure being a whore or a whoremonger. I ain't raising my kids to be whores and whoremongers. That's not my goal. So why on earth would I risk it with dating? What are they gaining from dating? Yet, how much of the world is trying to push and encourage that? And that's something you've got to get strong with, isn't it? Especially as those teens get older. Now, the only exception in my mind would be when you get into sort of the 19 year old and you're looking to becoming an adult and maybe you're looking for a future management. Even then, is there a rush with that? Is there really a rush? But that's where you're starting to go, OK, where you're getting towards an adult and because you don't want it to be a five minute whirlwind romance. Anyway, do you? OK, dating something that dating is when you find it. And dating is not like, right, we're dating. That means we're getting married. Dating is when you're discovering whether or not that is someone that you can and should marry. Yeah. Now, what happens with that is that we've got the we've got the Bible on one hand, don't we? We've got the word of God. We're teaching them to be chaste, teach them to be pure. We don't see all this. Well, I had a fling with this one. I had a fling with that one. And then I really worked it out, you know, etc. And then you've got the world, which basically says they need to sleep around for years, act like they're married for a few more years, then work out whether or not they really want to be married. Then maybe along along the line, you know, within that time, probably a few diseases and maybe a couple of, you know, child sacrifices later, then restart the process again. And and maybe, you know, when they get to kind of like late thirties, early 40s, you start thinking about children and realize how difficult then that becomes, etc. That's kind of the world's way, isn't it now? That's what I see there in our country. Proverbs 5 18, though, says, Let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Rejoice with the wife of thy youth. And youth here means from young. We're not talking about child marriages. But for me, the concept there is that you date from when you, for me, at the earliest late teens, if not once you're an adult, that's 20 plus with a view to getting married young, not with a view to just sleeping around for years until finally you get bored of it and then find someone who's still willing to take you. And that kind of is what we're seeing out there in our society, isn't it? Hi there, brother Ian Tavenner here at Shaw Foundation Baptist Church UK. I'd like to show you today how the Bible says that you could be 100 percent sure that if you died today, you are going straight to heaven.