(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What kind of ministry should a church have for women? Well, I think there's lots of things, but let's look at the Bible. You know the Bible says, go to John 12 for a second, the Bible says that Dorcas made coats and garments for others. Says that she was full of good deeds. So, you know, making clothing, blessing people with clothing, helping provide for people that are in need. Phoebe, the Bible says that she had business and she was a sucker of many, so helping people, doing, you know, helping with activities in the church. Akilah and Priscilla are expounding the word of God as a couple, they're a power couple, going out and preaching the gospel. So yeah, that would be great if wives would accompany their husbands out going soul winning. You know the Bible says that Mary bestowed much labor. The Bible says that women ministered to Jesus in the New Testament. What were some of the ways that women ministered to Jesus? Well one woman literally washed his feet with her hair. Cleaning, you know, cleaning in the church is a great ministry. How about this, John chapter 12, look at verse number 2. There they made him a supper and Martha served. Serving meals. Hey, the meals trains that we do for other women that are pregnant or whatever. That's a great ministry for women to be involved in. The Bible talks about the handmaidings prophesying. You know, preaching the gospel, women preaching the gospel. And you know, we have a ladies time where my wife, she leads that and she has other women go out and preach the gospel with her. And you know, there's other women in this church that teach other women how to preach the gospel. But here's the thing, that ministry that my wife has is not exclusive to wife of the pastor. Any woman could help other women go out soul winning.