(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but as long sufferings us were not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. Now think, from God's perspective, time is irrelevant. But from eternity's perspective, it's irrelevant to us too. Your life's a vapor. Pretty soon it's going to be over. Pretty soon you're going to just be standing before Christ. Pretty soon you're going to be judged according to your works. And the question is, what did you do? Now, obviously in our human experience, sometimes time can really slow down, and it can feel like forever, and it can feel like an eternity. And so that's where you get caught up in these ideas of, is it ever happening? Is it ever coming? You know, when are these things going to come to pass? And some people would get mad and they'd say, God, why have you not judged yet? And you know, I'll be honest, I have this thought. I think like, how bad are you going to let it get, God? Is Kamala really going to get to be president? Is Michelle Obama going to become president? I mean, like, how bad is it going to get? How long are you going to wait to punish the wicked? How old is Nancy Pelosi going to get? I mean, man, like, when is the hammer going to drop? You know, you just look at the wicked and the evil today, and you're just like, how old is Bill Clinton? I mean, he just looks so old. I mean, how many years does Biden have left? I don't know. But God's not slack. That would be a wicked charge to lay to God. God is long suffering. We have to think about this. The reason why God is allowing us to stay here is for one purpose, to pull as many out with us while we're here. It's actually his love that causes us to stay here. And you know, some people, they want to pull themselves out because God won't. So you know what they do? They just go live in the boondocks. They just go move to the family farm somewhere and then just wait for Bill Gates to buy their land. Like, you can't escape anyways, even if you try. And then if you do it, what's the benefit? There is no benefit. Everything you have is going to be lost. What's the point of your life? Why not just bring as many people with you as you can? God's not willing that any should perish, but that should all succumb to repentance. What's the only point of God delaying judgment? People getting saved. That's it. There's no point in extending this sick, disgusting, vile, putrid world today, except for one fact. More people are going to get saved. And it'd be nice if Christians would decide that's the only thing that matters in their life today. But you know what? They don't care. They don't go out and preach the gospel. They don't care if they miss the soul-winning time. They care if they miss the soap opera. They care if they miss the football game. They care if they miss a meal. They care if they miss anything going on in the world. If they miss a picture on Facebook. If they miss, you know, who cares about that nonsense? It does not matter. It's all vanity. Vanity of vanity, sayeth the preacher. All is vanity. And you know what? You're going to stand before Christ and you're going to say, wow, I wish I had spent more on this moment than on all the other moments that have already gone. And there's no going back.