(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Titus chapter 2 look at verse 2 that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound and faith and charity and patience So Titus the pastor is giving instruction to teach sound doctrine And encourage the older men to do something now when you think about this list What is really the common denominator on this list? Isn't there their behavior? Being sober being gray being temperate being sound and faith and charity and patience I mean, that's what you talk about as their lifestyle their behavior what they're doing Okay, so then he goes to a second group the aged women Likewise that they be what in? Behavior as we come with holes. So what's the context really kind of being set forth in this passage behavior? Okay, now it says this not false accusers. I remember that It says not given too much wine teachers of good things now What is the context been so far behavior what would you say not false accusers and that your behavior not given too much wine What'd you say? Is that your behavior? Now? We have this last phrase teachers of good things. I Believe it's still in the context of behavior and I'm gonna prove that the best of my ability this morning But here's the thing. It'll be weird to then jump out of that context and then say no It's okay for them to actually teach though. They should get up and start teaching things now Let's see the things that it's telling you to teach That they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blaspheme now again, isn't this list of the things that they're teaching all related to behavior again? It's that their lifestyle and if if we truly believe that this is saying, okay We need to give the women the older women a license to teach all the other younger women these all of these attributes You could never set up enough ministries think about I mean think about what this list is saying just good What caught what topics is that cover? I mean that's like every topic you could ever imagine loving your husband loving your children discreet chase. Here's a question How do you teach them to be a keeper at home? From a from a formal education, you know, these things aren't really a formal education It would be really hard to have a formal education. All right, you're welcome to class good 101 Let me teach you some I mean wouldn't that be the whole Bible I Mean if you're gonna say that this is giving women a license to teach then you're gonna basically say they should teach everything Because if you're gonna teach someone how to be good You have to teach them every single commandment of God you have to teach them every single instruction I mean, you're basically saying teach everything teach everything could possibly ever teach Or What I believe is the very correct definition of this is saying you know what you're supposed to be teaching them through your behavior By you being good, you're gonna teach the other women to be good by you loving your husband You're gonna teach the other women others It would be awkward if we said hey every older woman in here have formal education on how you love your husband. That's weird Okay, and some of those things probably shouldn't even it's like between you and your husband and that's an individualistic thing You know loving your children all these things are just really emphasizing one aspect behavior Okay, and if you take this in context with every other passage about women teaching the Bible it becomes very clear that this is about behavior Okay to rip this out and then say oh we need women to get up and start teaching all the other women How to basically live their lives that's gonna be weird You teach women how to love their husband by you loving your husband you teach women how to be discreet Imagine discreet 101 here's discreet 101 What are you gonna be saying here's discreet 101 don't say anything Stop sharing see I mean, there's not a lot to teach. It's just like shut your mouth It's obviously not a formal education list here. Okay chase keepers. I'm good This is obviously just how they're supposed to behave themselves when a woman is discreet and she's loving her husband And she's constantly at home, and she's good, and she's praising her husband And she's taking everything serious And she's never slandering anyone that's gonna all the other women are gonna look at that example and say oh That's how I'm supposed to behave because then the end of the day you know and I know That little girls and young women they notice how their moms and their grandmothers and their aunts talk to their husbands How they treat their husbands how they treat their children, and they end up emulating those same attitudes and behaviors So they're disrespectful of their husband then guess what it's okay for them to be disrespectful of their husband They don't even have to have a formal education They just start doing exactly what the other women are doing that's why it's so important that all the older women Set the right example because just whether you realize it or not you're gonna be paying attention to how the older women behave And now your moms and your aunts and your uncles and everybody else behaves And that's gonna give you a pattern of how you're supposed to behave But here's the thing if you have a bad example in your life You need to look to the Word of God You need to look to Sarah and you need to look to people in the church that are setting an example and say That's how I'm really supposed to behave and what a shame if your church has no woman like that Now let me explain to you. How the word teach is not always formal education, okay? Go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 go to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 now the word teach often is very clearly What we think of getting up expounding the Word of God, you know The Bible talks about Jesus Christ teaching the Bible talks about teach all nations You know the Bible is often talking about the Pharisees and people teaching meaning what they were getting up They're opening their mouth as formal education. They're preaching the Word of God. They're doing these things So obviously teach could mean that but teach can be used in other contexts rather than just a formal Verbal-type education and here's the thing You're dancing on a dangerous line as a woman when you start getting up and having formal education of becoming loud and stubborn Rather than being meek and what quiet Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 does not even nature itself Teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame on him Now is that did you go out into the trees were like hey buddy. Come here. I got a secret for you It's wrong for dudes to have long hair. No, no, no, no This is something you observe just by natural behavior by just being out in the world. You just realize wow, that's wrong It's nature's teaching you something. Okay, go to Proverbs chapter number six go to Proverbs chapter six. So the word teach could be Used in a context where it's not a formal education. It's something that's observed by behavior Societal things I mean by noticing men not having long hair. You're like, okay I guess that's what men look like. But look what it says in Proverbs 6 verse 12 a naughty person a wicked man Walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes. He speaketh with his feet He teach it with his fingers Now look at that. Do you really think he's sitting here talking? He's not a ventriloquist like hello guys I want to talk to you about something. No, he's saying look where he walks and where he goes He's telling he's saying something and he's saying hey he even teaches with his fingers The things that he does the things that he's what what do you think hands and fingers do don't they kind of they meddle? Oh the things that this guy's meddling in he's gonna end up what teaching you things You can teach a lot of people things without having to say a word And in fact a lot of people that have jobs that are blue-collar the best instruction is what watching someone do it So Don't don't sit here and tell me that the word teach in Titus chapter 2 now gives every woman this like doctoral paperwork to say let's go start setting up Ministries for women to start teaching the Bible