(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Don't care what person you put in office The only thing that will fix this nation is if all of God's people Humble themselves and pray to God and seek the Lord because you know what even one godly person I don't care if you put Jeremiah as the president of the United States. It won't fix it unless the people decide to fix it evidenced by the whole book called Jeremiah, and you know it's followed up with Lamentations where he said you know what everybody sucks in my country Everybody sucked in my land everybody didn't care about the Bible nobody wanted to serve God And you know what one person while they can make a pretty big difference. They can't spare a whole nation God even said in other places. He's like hey even if job were here Even if these other righteous guys or even if Daniel are here. They would only save themselves You know who got saved Jeremiah You know what that tells me I can't save you And you can't save me and You can't say we need to Inspire people's hearts today to wake up and say hey, I want to make America great again, okay, then get in church you bozo Then start praising Praying the Lord singing praise of the Lord reading the Bible memorizing scripture How about this verse that everybody knows verse 33? But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you How many people they're so worried about how they're gonna have a job in the future instead of seeking first the kingdom of God and his? righteousness Well I dusted up my resume well, how about you dust up this resume? I'm looking I'm seeking for employment I'm seeking for employer right here I'm singing provision for my family right here I'm so worried pastor Shelley You're not reading the Bible for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but a power and of love and a sound mind Look all of our I believe this a hundred percent Every single problem America can be solved instantly if every godly if every saved person would just start serving God All we take But how many people are advocating for that how many people are getting in line and compelling people? To get into church and read the Bible and to start serving God as opposed to well Sign this petition and look at this email look at this look. I'm not against Exposing the evil out there because sometimes it wakes people up to the fact that you're screwed Okay, that the politicians aren't gonna fix anything and honestly instead of picking on all the Democrats we should start picking on the Republicans you start picking on the libertarians and Telling everybody how they're not gonna be helpful either Showing how the fact that what Republican solved the 9-eleven conspiracy What libertarian solved the 9-eleven conspiracy How many of them are looking into it how many of them care? How many of them made a post on there like remember all the fallen at September 11th you lying snake? You don't care about those people if you cared about them you would investigate. What really happened oh? Well, you know they didn't find the the box the black box or the orange box of the Airplanes that blew up in the explosion, but they found the paper passport of the towel ban I believe that You don't believe that remember all the following they literally murdered American citizens and They know they did and they you know how much they care Now think about this with me if they murdered American citizens, why do you think that they won't kill you and Then you're gonna literally let's help them get an office Did you know that George Bush was a Republican? Well we get the Republicans in office everything will be better yeah, maybe they'll just commit mass genocide on American citizens and Drag us into wars and kill soldiers. That would be great wouldn't it wouldn't that be wonderful? Well, they just get Trump in office. Yeah, oh the guy that thinks that Caitlyn Jenner is wonderful whoo Well it'd be better if we had Abbott oh the Catholic I'll be better if we run to say just the Catholic You're fooling yourself You're brainwashed by the media You literally think that Egypt is gonna help you just like all the children of Israel did Year after year you know when we read the Bible. It's like why would they trust in Egypt and not? And the Lord while they're wearing a Trump sticker While they're wearing a Rhonda Santas t-shirt a Libertarian t-shirt, it's like you're a hypocrite. You're a fool Look at verse 34 take therefore no thought for the morrow For the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the days evil there instead of worrying about what's gonna happen tomorrow Why don't you start worrying about what you're gonna do when it's soul winning time or church service next time? Or if you're gonna read the Bible today, or if you're gonna pray today You know well I'm gonna run out the wilderness, and I'm not gonna take the vax, and I'm not gonna get a mask And I'm gonna save this country You're saving nothing You're not even saving yourself, buddy Hey when your rajah ran and hid in Egypt they went and found him down there in Egypt and brought him out and killed him and Jeremiah standing in the face of everybody calling everybody out. They didn't kill him You can run and hide, but the devil can find you