(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) He says this when Titus chapter 1 verse 5 says ordain elders. He says that means older men Now when he says elders that does not mean pastor that means older He says find an older man and turn him into a bishop Look what he says in verse 7 for a bishop must be blameless. He begins giving the requirements Here's what you're looking for. First of all, they have to be older. They can't be younger He says elder means older men here So well, let's just let's just read the sentence the way he believes it Okay because ordain means choose he says for this cause let thy thee in Crete that thou should have set in order the things that are Wanting and choose older men and every city as I'd appointed thee There's my question if that was what it said. Okay, which it doesn't What are you choosing them to do? Choose older men If I came up you said hey brother Colin choose older men What do you think? Your first question would be to do what? For what reason If I said hey, we need to pick some pastors we need to ordain a bishop here We need to pick a bishop here that actually makes sense as a full sentence I'm actually you know coincides with the context He's just saying pick older men and then just I guess through indirect context you'd pick up that it meant about a bishop later That's silly. This is a weird thing. But here's my next question. Okay older men. How old? These are some pretty important questions, right you think God was like hey pick older people and you're like God how old No answer I'm gonna give you just list after list after list of qualifications, but I'm gonna forget to tell you how old and older than what You know at certain points in American history the average age of like people that live like 40 years old You know, I mean you can't just look and isolate yourself into 2020 my friend There's been plenty of times throughout history where people are commonly dying at age 40 and 50. That's the old So who's old in that generation? What if people start living to be a hundred and twenty and then you know, I don't know I Mean is we have to wait till we were a hundred It's gonna be a sparse group to pick from Anybody close to 100 in here? I mean like what's the mage it's a stupid doctrine