(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's a lot of evil people that will come to church and they just fake it, and I think a lot of them, they're just attracted to the truth, so they're not purposely trying to like hurt God's people or like hurt a pastor. They're just kind of attracted to the truth like a bug is to the light, and they come in, they hear the light, and they fake for a while, but eventually it's so repugnant to them, the truth is, and just honesty and good people, they finally just expose themselves. And then once they expose themselves, they can't help but what? Just lie in slander until they die, basically. I mean, they're just going to just attack and attack and attack, and it's funny because here's how you can tell the difference between us and them. Because they'll say this, well you guys attack a lot of people. Yeah, but here's the thing. As many things as I'm against, I'm still for a lot of things. I'm for Steadfast Baptist Church. I'm for a lot of other independent fundamental Baptist churches in this world. I'm for Christianity. I'm for the King James Bible. I'm for soul winning. I'm for reaching the loss. Hey, I'm for the truth. Hey, I'm for families. Hey, I'm for doing all kinds of things that are right in this world. Yet what you notice about those other people is they're against everything. They're not saying, hey, come with me to this church, that's better, and listen to this sermon, and listen to these pastors, and do these things. They're just against every pastor, against every church, against the truth, because they hate Jesus Christ. You know, these people saying, oh, Jesus is a deceiver. They're not saying, come listen to this guy. They just want you to get off the Jesus train. They just want to get you off the Paul train. They just want to get you off the Naboth train. They just want to attack somebody. They're not interested in actually getting you to the truth. They just attack to attack, for attack's sake, rather than saying, don't listen to this guy because he's lying about the truth. Listen to the Bible, you know, pointing you to a good source, or pointing you to a good pastor, or pointing you to a good church, or pointing you to a good direction. That's how you know the difference between the two. Hey, I'm all for attacking evil people. I'm all for bringing out lies and slander and preaching against the false prophets of this world. But you know what? I'm also for a lot of things. The point someone gets to where no one's right and everybody's wrong, that's a scary person to be around. Oh, everybody's wrong. And you are too.